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Best Poems Written by Susanna Cooper

Below are the all-time best Susanna Cooper poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Very Hard Task

Scanning piece by piece, Fitting each one carefully Then my puzzle's done

Copyright © Susanna Cooper | Year Posted 2009

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The Ride

My hair wisps freely
                                 While I gallop Cadbury
                                 Over lush green fields

Copyright © Susanna Cooper | Year Posted 2009

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The Magic of Music

What a magical thing, music is,
echoing in my ear.
Thousands of ways to express itself,
waiting for me to hear.
Rustling branches
on a windy day,
Banjos strumming
eager to play,
calling out its melodies,
if only we stop and listen...

What magical memories, music makes,
thinking back upon,
telling stories without words,
of monsters and demon spawn.
Women in love,
or a broken heart.
A beautiful day
 that fell apart.
Words have a rhyme of their own,
if only we stop and listen...

What a magical place, music can be,
as you drift away.
You close your eyes, and think about
a different kind of day!
One with a field,
trees and river wide.
We just need to listen hard
and pictures form inside.
So many places we can travel,
so many things we can hear,
if only we stop and listen...

Copyright © Susanna Cooper | Year Posted 2009

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The Doc

Strong as an Ox,
light as a feather.
Zapped by lightning,
and possessed by weather.

His hair standing up straight,
feet blue as the sea.
Only has four fingers,
and a very crooked knee.

Been seen in graveyards,
dissappears at times.
Talks with a cackle,
and always rhymes.

Scared of a mouse,
in love with a croc.
The people in the lab,
call him "The Doc".

Copyright © Susanna Cooper | Year Posted 2009

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Stinging skin
Lingers and tingles
Ashamed and embarrassed I dwell on the

Copyright © Susanna Cooper | Year Posted 2009

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The Search

Flowing breathlessly on the sea
my heart tries to unite you and I,
until it falters and falls in a raging storm
and can not find its love no more.
Dancing gracefully in the field
your heart strives to bond us together,
yet it falters and falls in the tangling grass
and can not find its love no more.
Climbing swiftly up the mountain 
my heart seeks to grasp your hand in mine,
then it falters and falls in the tumbling rocks
and can not find its love no more.
Floating silently through the clouds
your heart longs to join us in unison,
soon if falters and falls in the gusting wind
and can not find its love no more.
Yet hope always soars over the land
calming the seas and taming the grass,
crushing the rocks and hushing the wind
so that someday, our hearts shall be one.

Copyright © Susanna Cooper | Year Posted 2008

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What Is Grass

What is grass
so I wonder,
fighting dirt,
day and night,
creeping like worms
starving for air.
Lime green tips
peaking through many pebbles.
Thousands of fingers
grasping at nothing.
Swaying back and fourth
like a romantic dance,
or mother nature's hair
growing strong and vibrant.
So what is grass
you want to know?
It can be anything
you make it to be!

Copyright © Susanna Cooper | Year Posted 2009

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Talking, that is something
We take for granted.
Every day, all day long
Constantly we communicate.
To express feelings,
To make others laugh.
Using it to yell,
To say fowl words
Or when telling someone "be quite".
Imagine a world
WIth limited words,
Where once at our limit
We'd be speechless
For the remainder of that day.
Would we stop, and think
Before we spoke?
Would we say something meaningful
Instead of babble?
What a world 
This would be,
If every word we spoke
Had a profound meaning,
A valuable purpose.
What a differnce 
Just a few words could produce.

Copyright © Susanna Cooper | Year Posted 2009

Book: Shattered Sighs