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Best Poems Written by Ja'maya Askew

Below are the all-time best Ja'maya Askew poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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To My Dear Sister

Livia where have you been,
Only you would bring me true happiness,
Violet which our favorite flowers and the ones the world ignores,
Everyone would try to understand us,

Yet we aren’t a crossword puzzle to try,
Oh, my sister What would I do without you?
Understanding me is hard, so no one tries.

Alivia only you like to pry though my iron doors, 
Love is what they call it for what you give is true, 
In my heart I know I love you,
Very start I been with you for 8 years, 
In the very end is where our lives will truly begin,
Always and forever is what we say, for I love you Alivia, forever and today.

Copyright © Ja'Maya Askew | Year Posted 2020

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That Time of the Month

That Time of The Month
Halloween has always been my favorite holiday,
Aliens come from space to try human candy,
Vampires come from the dark alleys to get a taste,
Your Blood is delicious no time to let it go to waste,
The witches have always been Diabolical,
Using their Trickery to fool your children into their bellies,
Feasting upon their crunchy bones and delicious meat,
I love the screams of the poor children,
Crying for their parents who were to busy chatting with their friends,
Take this Cautionary and watch your backs,
I and my friends loved this Abduction,
Being Paralyzed isn’t so smart,
For your bleeding body is now my work of art.

(Halloween Challenge Poetry Contest, Emile Pinet) 

Copyright © Ja'Maya Askew | Year Posted 2020

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Gen-Z Ruling 2021

Gen-Z Ruling 2021
Gen-Z is what they call us we are the next leaders of America. 
We have to make a difference for the next generation.
We need to make the world what it should’ve been before. 
2021 will be a better year because it has us to make the difference.
We will stop the police from killing our colored people,
We will stop men from touching our little girls and women,
We will stop shamming everyone for their looks, 
We won’t shame our people for their rights to love anyone or thing.
We will continue to wear masks and to keep ourselves safe,
We will never abuse our children and help them grow into their best’s selves. 
We will show the world that women can do anything men can,
We will stop killing the world and its nature. 
We will find a way to solve COVID-19 and save our people.
Gen-Z is what they call us, and we Will Be the Next Saviors of America. 
(2021 United States of America Visionary, Limiton Hankins)
Mailing Address: 5000 Warrington Rd

Copyright © Ja'Maya Askew | Year Posted 2020

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Letting Go of the Grass

Letting Go of the Grass
I always loved the feeling of touching the grass,
Holding on to it making my hands turn red,
I never questioned the idea of letting go,
Hating the feeling of letting death flow,
Being chained to my love and life, 
It was like chewing deadly ice, 
I couldn’t just leave,
I didn’t get a chance to really breathe,
As my love was slipping through my mind, 
My hands started to get out of line, 
“Please” I screamed I wasn’t ready to go,
“No Please Don’t Let Death Win This Vote”,
I lost my love, so I started to lose my life,
I felt the ice start to break, 
Seems as my willingness to live was fake.
Goodbye as the blood in my arms rush out,
Letting go of the grass,
Was the last sentence coming out of my mouth. 

(Completely Your Choice(38), Brian Strand)

Copyright © Ja'Maya Askew | Year Posted 2020

Book: Shattered Sighs