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Best Poems Written by Vishwa Patel

Below are the all-time best Vishwa Patel poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Can We Be More Human

Can we be more human?
A splendid idea came into a man’s mind,
Let’s make something to connect folks,
And this is how social media flourished.
Social media has lots and lots of pros,
But only if one knows how to use.
If one is unaware of its cons,
Then this boon turns into a nightmare.
Have we not noticed how this overarching platform became less merrier?
Yes, We do it every other day!
People are engaged in escalating hate more and more,
People are busy impugning one another,
People are being more fake,
They have started following someone blindly,
They have started being more ‘me’ than ‘us’.
Some are clobbered mentally and emotionally without any cause by the same species,
Today human is not backing human!
People are now plunging to conclusions without any pause.
Can we be more human?
Answer is yes but,
When we will stop impeding each other,
And start supporting one another.
When we will abridge hate and propel love.
When we will keep ourselves in the victim’s shoes,
And realise the importance of being polite.
So, folks encapsulate all the kindness in you,
Bring out the suave you,
And not the haughty you.
Let’s make social media more sanguine and venerating place. 
                                             - Vishwa Patel??

Copyright © Vishwa Patel | Year Posted 2020

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Exploring My Inner Talent

Exploring my inner talent 
“Mom, I am so dumb.”
“Mom, I don’t have any hobby other than studying!”
“Mom, It’s your mistake you never sent me to any activity hub.”
I grew up holding my mom responsible for me being low at extra curricular activities,
But I wasn’t aware that god never discriminates,
I was busy comparing myself with others,
I was busy blindly following people,
I believed me being best at something is tougher,
I was wondering when will the star inside me twinkle!
I tried, I wondered, I surrendered,
But somewhere I knew I am blessed.
However, the journey of finding my inner talent wasn’t so easy,
I encountered embarrassment,
I felt uneasy,
I faced disappointment,
But what I learnt is to never give up.
And that’s what led me to,
My life’s wonderful exploration:
That I can convert my thoughts into beautiful creations,
And that is poems!
I couldn’t be more happier that day!
Now I realised why couldn’t I,
Give my best at dance,
Give my best at singing,
Give my best in sports,
Give my best in art,
Give my best at anything else.
Cause I was made to write my heart out!
I realised,
You just need to explore yourself,
You just need to believe in yourself,
And importantly,
You need to know your real self!
                                        - Vishwa Patel??

Copyright © Vishwa Patel | Year Posted 2020

Book: Reflection on the Important Things