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Best Poems Written by Adrianne Short

Below are the all-time best Adrianne Short poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Where the Wolf Pups Play

There’s trouble in the forest
Where the wolf pups play

In between the trees
Down in the holes with the predator’s prey

Brews mischief mixed with magic
Brewing for days

Vindictive little fluffs hiding in their holes
Biding their time while pups played over the knoles

Oblivious to the devious chatter
To the pups nothing seemed to matter

As they yelped and they played
None seemed dismayed

Thus mothers and elders never stopped to ponder
If any of these pups decided to wander

Neither here nor there
Never thought to be caught in a bunny snare

For the pups were brave
From watching the elders all day

Although the forest where they play
Could also be their grave

One little glance
The pup only had half a chance

Before giving chase
A deadly race

Against little white prey in haste
Of leading the pup to what could be waste

Passed the rabbit hole and down the knole
To a patch where the Phoenix eggs usually hatch

Lay mistress Belladonna calmly in the shade
Here is where the usual predator would be persuaded into prey

Copyright © Adrianne Short | Year Posted 2020

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"Please, I've been wandering aimlessly," Whispered a breath among the trees.
In response rustled the leaves.
"Can you hear me?"
A pause followed the next breath.

"I'm tired and I want to go home."
The soul rest on its knees no longer wanting to roam.
Wearily her eyes scanned the trees.
"Please," She whispered again and waited for an answer on the breeze.

"Where is my mercy?"
Sympathetically the trees heeded the desperate pleas.
Carefully considered.
Then sent a fluttering of wings.

Just as softly as her whisper fluttered a black winged butterfly from her listeners.
"Have you come for me?" Whispered she ever so softly.
Soundlessly the butterfly flitted away.
Deeper into the forest.

Beyond the trees darkness was giving way to day.
After the mysterious creature she did stare.
But to follow deeper into the forest
She wasn't sure she dared

Copyright © Adrianne Short | Year Posted 2020

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White Rabbit

Whispery trickster
Hopping along between the rabbit holes
Ill intending wolf pups smitten
Tempting with poisonous treats
Eaten by pups longing for sweets
Rendering the young helpless
Along the riverbank shore
Beckoning to their naive soul
Bringing them to a place unknown
Intending to lead them to their doom
Taking control of the predators of their own

Copyright © Adrianne Short | Year Posted 2020

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The Phoenix

I no longer fear the dark for I have found a way to shine on my own
I no longer reach for a hand because I have wings

It was a fire that burned me
Ashes I became

Surrounded by darkness
Yet a spark of life remained and ignited into a flame

Just as abruptly as I fell
I’m determined to rise again

Copyright © Adrianne Short | Year Posted 2020

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Black Butterfly

Beloved, I’m just the messenger
Lovely, this message only for thee
After conversing with the trees
Considered heeding of your pleas
Know this proffer is not temporary
But lay claim for eternity
Under the trees green canopies
Teeming with magical mystery
Tethered to the strong tree roots
Eternally engulfed in the forest and among the green
Roaming between the branches
Floating through the tall grasses
Laying along the riverbank shores
Yearning for the bustling city no more

Copyright © Adrianne Short | Year Posted 2020

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Devious Little Valentine

Never have I ever chose a love so fine
As that day I chose to call  you mine

Sunny was that day when I picked you up at Tractor Supply
Though I'm sorry to your sister you had to say goodbye

Unfortunately another was quicker to the phone
And she was off to another home

But lucky for me
Because I don't think I could handle both you and she

For my darling, Bucky
You aren't always a relaxing cup of tea

At first you didn't like to go out to pee
But once you figured out the dog door, my heart was filled with glee

We slept on the couch when you were too little to climb the stairs
Now you can get to my room and my stuff is strewn everywhere

Also thanks to you
I owe everyone in the house a new pair of shoes

I wish someone had warned me about how much little puppies actually like to chew
I just can't keep up with you no matter how many toys I buy brand new

But still I try because you're mine
The devious little puppy I got for Valentine's

Copyright © Adrianne Short | Year Posted 2020

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Seduce Me

I'm really not that hard to please
I hold on to the fondest of memories

Driving down back roads serpentine
Listening to music with the sweetest of rhymes

Then take me back home for some wine and dine
By the end of the night I just might call you mine

Copyright © Adrianne Short | Year Posted 2020

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Belladonna Woods

The trees
They live in this forest
They whisper they breathe
Wanderers can speak to the leaves

Often times seeking advice
For wandering into this forest
Many don’t think twice

Seemingly there be peace among the green
Lures adventurers not so keen
Lingers shadows of mischief unseen

But the trees they tell the tales
Just like men sitting around drinking old ales

If ever found without direction
One only needs to stop and listen
For the trees will make the connection
Either to lead the soul back home or drive them deeper into the dark unknown

In this forest it is for the trees to decide
Who is worthy of their time

Fate is determined by the heart
Sincerity of the question
Is meant to teach important lessons

Determined by the trees
These answers come with ease
Either leading the soul back home
Or deeper into the dark unknown

Copyright © Adrianne Short | Year Posted 2020

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Love Doesn'T Exist

IF I wear my heart on my sleeve
WE'RE both going to be
TOO positively
AFRAID of the imagination's ability
TO seep into reality and
TRY to fulfill two lovers' fantasies

Copyright © Adrianne Short | Year Posted 2020

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Once Predator Twice Prey

Boldly you held out your hand with the sweetest of treats
Graciously I lapped from your palm
Unsuspecting of the one hidden behind your back

Swiftly just before that hand was cleaned
You’d had me snared and tied to a tree

My vision was blurry and my howls were mute 
From the sweetness poisoning my tongue and throat
The moon beckoned but I could no longer call
For every night you would return with that treat glistening in your hand

And you would smile as I’d ravenously slurped it away
But one day I’d noticed you’d left me with a little less than before

I’d craved more
But the next night was still a little less than before

Until one night you appeared before me empty handed
My vision now clear
I could see what was truly before me

Not a man but a rabbit
Not a predator of me but prey 

That’s when you realized your illusionary snare had faded away
I would choose your fate today

That’s when chase gave way and I watched you dive down the rabbit hole
Thinking you’re so clever and bold
But I was far wiser and much kinder

I turned to the pile of dirt you’d shoveled out to make that hole
And nudged it all carefully back into that empty space before sauntering away
Leaving you to rest in peace

Copyright © Adrianne Short | Year Posted 2020


Book: Reflection on the Important Things