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Best Poems Written by Linda Truitt

Below are the all-time best Linda Truitt poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Bitter Sweet Tragedy

"A Bitter Sweet Tragedy"

   It was a typical mid-morning, on January 15 1919, on Keany Square in
 north Beantown, you could hear the hooves of horses clopping up and down.

   Above the hustle and bustle normally abound, came a deep throated
    resonating and horrifying sound.

   It grew louder and louder and the next thing they heard, sounded like
    slinging turtles. "How could it be?  That's absurd!"

   Locked in disbelief, they started to cry, "Run, run, run, before you die!

   A tank filled with blackstrap molasses had burst at the seams, spewing
    two million gallons of black sticky streams.

   A massive tide towering 40 feet high swallowed up man and beast like
     a spider would a fly.

   Some were entombed while still alive, other held on praying for help
     to arrive.

   When the tide subsided and finished its run, 150 were injured and 20
     more lives were good and done.

   Lives were lost, lessons learned, settlements were paid but never earned.

   And so the story ends with one though to attend.
   It is the bitter not the sweet that gets you in the end.

Copyright © Linda Truitt | Year Posted 2020

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Don'T Say Smart

"Don't Say Smart"
                                                    by Linda Truitt

         Smart is a word that my teacher refuses to say.
         She says it doesn't measure what I know or
         what I've learned from day yo day.

         I can use the word bright when I talk about the sun.
         I can even say "cleaver as a fox" which I find to be a
         peculiar little pun.

        Sometimes my teacher slips and the word smart rolls off her tongue.
        She quickly tightens up her lips, but alas, the deed is done.

        She tells me that I'm intelligent because I work my problems out.
        Of that, I am sure there is no hint of doubt.

        Don't let my teacher hear that word come out OF your mouth.
        But if it does, you may find that she might chew you out.

       Unless of course you stub your toe and feel a sharp stinging sensation.
       Then, by all means, without any hesitation, scream that darn word out!
       Boy that's SMART!

Copyright © Linda Truitt | Year Posted 2020

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My Heart Desires

My Heart Desires

I have traveled my emotional highway
between my heart and my mind in a beat.
And hope that one day we will again be fortunate enough to meet.
My heart beats with joy of all that we have shared.
My heart beats with anguish for all that we have lost.
I hold on to the memories so far away and dear.
First shock then anger to disbelief guilt and finally profound sadness
that you are no longer here.
Rest my beloved sister, rest for a thousand or more years.
I will keep your memory alive along with my flowing crystal tears.

Copyright © Linda Truitt | Year Posted 2020

Book: Shattered Sighs