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Best Poems Written by Sarah Clarke

Below are the all-time best Sarah Clarke poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Passenger

City life turns to sparse assortments;
Of local pubs and country homes.
Tall brick walls fade into fences;
Amongst hedgerows and mossy stones.

Crowded bustle soon lowers its pace;
Those now free, move unconfined.
Only thoughts spent are of contentment,
Peaceful surroundings heal the mind. 

As roads turn to paths unbeaten,
Dipping and climbing, alongside the fields.
Views everchanging, revelling new pastures,
Filled full of beauty from treasures they yield.

Awaking from the brief city escape,
Thoughts soon creep back to the hubbub.
Before it all end though, the passenger pleads,
Can we go for a pint at the pub?

Copyright © Sarah Clarke | Year Posted 2019

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Christmas Eve

Night air hangs sharp yet sombre,
Wrapping bodies with its peaceful cold.

Sepia street lights fill the once busy pavements,
Masking white velvet blankets, with tranquil gold.

Slow, gentle snowfall, softly rest upon cobbles, 
Melt into warm cheeks and coats, made of wool.

Warm breaths of laughter cloud happy rose faces,
Sparse footsteps fade softly,  from flakes thick and full.

Carol's of comfort and joy fill air with sweet festive song,
Twinkling lights fill happy eyes with delight.

Sounds echo and soften as the bustle fade,
The city begins to turn in for the night.

The streets gradually empty as folk return to their homes,
Chimney smoke rise as the night chill embraces.

Socks and gloves that fell victim to snow fights and angels, 
Lay lined up in front of warm, crackling fireplaces.

Coats turn to gowns, pyjamas and slippers,
Warm mugs heal hands, once bitten by snow.

As heads rest upon pillows and blankets pulled over,
Sleepy heads rest, though hearts stay awake all  aglow.

Magic fills young minds with dreams of what sunrise will bring,
Tiny ears listen out for jingle bells on a sleigh.

What magic awaits those who dare to believe,
What joys await..  for Christmas Day.

Copyright © Sarah Clarke | Year Posted 2019

Details | Sarah Clarke Poem

Faded Memories

The working day started with the smell of cooked bacon,  the taste of contentment, fueling hearts made to fly.

Now days begin with strange smiling faces, they want to help you but you are never sure why.

The working day strained, busy hands in production, earning worth and affection, life in your prime.

Now days consist of songs with no connection, sounds never familiar, though played all the time.

The working day ended with warm welcome greetings , coat on the hook, tell tales of the day left behind.

Now days work never seems over, forever searching for purpose , answers secluded, impossible to find.

Joy came once from your children's embraces, teaching life to loved ones, so they that could go far.

Now joy is a concept lost from fear in abundance , your kids come to see you but you don't know who they are.

Once surrounded by the fruits of your labour, counting blessings reverently , like the rays of the sun.

Now you try counting stitches through thick unkempt lenses, losing count, losing time , blending days all in to one. 

The time you once spent dreaming , turning thoughts in to passion, making memories to last throughout the years.

Now memories all near faded like ripples in still water, thoughts of happy endings fall solemn through tears.

Daily yield unregarded , a life sits feeling dormant , a heart big as the moon sits lonely.

A heart once filled with meanings though broken and empty, beats a tune of who they used to be.

Copyright © Sarah Clarke | Year Posted 2019

Details | Sarah Clarke Poem

Natures Ringtone

Away from the cities, far off beaten roads.
Stillness surrounds, the quiet humble abodes.

The webs, the dens, the warrens and the nests.
Step over the threshold, be natures guest.

Yonder the footpath and over the fences.
Away from the chaos and human pretences.

Clamber over the sty, walk over the field.
Approach the trees and the brook they concealed.

Chirps and chimes, breeze and rustle, natures song fills the air.
The birds and the bees, living life without care.

The brook babbling on, forever and always in motion,
Modest the beauty of nature’s creation.

So, let go of your worries, take time to digress.
Undo the tension, your fears and distress.

Get far from the city, go yonder the fences.
Walk over the fields, let down your defences.

Let beauty surround you, put down your phone.
Observe life we forget, so wrapped up in our own.

Copyright © Sarah Clarke | Year Posted 2019

Book: Shattered Sighs