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Best Poems Written by Nakshatra Bansal

Below are the all-time best Nakshatra Bansal poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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When I was a little kid
I used to wonder what the world would be like,
I never counted the possibility
That I would see a head on a spike.

As I looked at the world 
I saw an array of opportunities,
But I disregarded the possibility
That it could be a maze with infinite uncertainties.

I grew up believing
That maturity is what I seek,
But now that I am adolescent
I feel age is an unwanted weed.

Overlooking the age factor 
I wanna stay a kid forever now,
I don’t want to become boring like others
I want to stay away from adulthood - but how?

Now that I am on the line between
A carefree childhood and a distressed adult,
Now I get to choose who I am and who I want to be;
Because I realise that childhood is not affected by age,
The heart of a child could be present even in the body of an old sage.

When I was a little boy
I was fed lies constantly,
I grew up knowing 
That one only needs hardwork and success will come freely .

I grew up listening
That hardwork is the only constraint success had,
Now that I realise,
I was a fool to believe that;

I grew up believing
That a tortoise, slow and steady, wins the race,
But it was never taught
To be fast and furious, to pick up your pace.

You need time, you need intellect
You need to free yourself from the work of the world,
Stop listening to others and be responsible
‘cause to achieve success you need to be a full package together furled.

Childhood doesn’t end when you start worrying,
Nor does maturity come when you start caring;
It is just curiosity which is the only fence,
It is your will which makes all the difference.

Don’t be naïve in your view of the world,
Don’t feed lies to the future, the children;
Let them feel the reality so that they are prepared ,
Don’t just give up already, the problems have just begun.

Copyright © Nakshatra Bansal | Year Posted 2019

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Our Bountiful God

Our God is bountiful because
	She give us the right
	To call her she?
	And call me me

Our God is bountiful because
	She tastes stillness
	And gives me a taste lemon cider sugary 

Her might gives us
Virtue and vice
And compels us to choose
How be she

She springs forth as nature
Perhaps just calling out to us

Our God is bountiful because…

Copyright © Nakshatra Bansal | Year Posted 2020

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Fifteen Miles Up

There’s a town fifteen miles up the road
Well more of a prison really
“Since that is the direction I’m headed
Perhaps give a fellow practitioner a friendly warning.”
The town is run by a magician
A magician with the dreams of a city
A slave population to build it
So he swept up the radius,
cooked up their souls down to ash…
turned them into ants
An inhumane endeavour, thinking became illegal
“But you’re still here!?”
Yes, indeed I am.

Copyright © Nakshatra Bansal | Year Posted 2020

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False Creation

We are the creation you and I 
Preachers of God not good
Serving our needs in his name
No part of us left to have any shame

He did his job and flew
Made us unstable like winter dew
Left us on the brink between good and bad
Trying to figure out if we are angry or just sad

Bad if we be
Still think we can be good as he 
Doers of evil we are ourselves
Thinking from every sin we are free

Good in turn if we be 
In this world we must cease to be 
For here no good deed works
Until we impose full decree…

Copyright © Nakshatra Bansal | Year Posted 2020

Book: Shattered Sighs