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Best Poems Written by Walt Hughes

Below are the all-time best Walt Hughes poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Stupid Faith

100 miles
It's pretty far 
Feels like a loss
Not far by car
But Too far for a rock to toss

The deadening silence of your voice
Slices to my core, it's a salty wound
Made worse by your choice

I see your smile everywhere I roam
Its sincerity demolishes my pain
It convinces me that I'm home
Every minute I wish to see it again

when it's gone the hurt returns
And this feeling grows stronger
Feeling my heart, I feel it, it burns
Can't take this pain, how much longer?

Wish I could present you with a gift
Not something to make your heart rift

Something like a basket of oranges
My love language speaks gifts and time
Much different than yours is
Like an impossible rhyme

Too difficult to have faith for long
Everything our so-called god lets go wrong
Like a cut rope, tying it back, not as strong

That same fear of a loss will continue
Throughout the ages
How many times do i place my faith in you? 
I fear ending up just one of your pages

How could he allow it to happen?
I swear he's terrible
Faithfully followed and obeyed
To me, he’s horrible

Too hard to have faith in my class
People say he works in a mysterious way
He’s more like a kid with a magnifying glass
On an ant that can't run away

I may be just sad
I may be just mad
I may just go back
To the day I had

You all to myself
God gave me that day
And you know what they say...
It's better to have loved and lost
-F*ck that!
He's the one that took you away

Too hard to find trust in god
Even Joseph Smith couldn't erase this heart
Like a stranger, you just give a nod
I don't know him since he tore us apart

I'll probably see you again someday
Only when it's my moment to shine
Faith is too hard to have today
Till then ill sit here and whine

Copyright © Walt Hughes | Year Posted 2019

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Their Rock

Their rock

I’m supposed to be their rock
To always protect them, everyday
To be the father type of rock
To make sure they’re ok

On the days I first met them
I fell in love with each one of them 
I told them to never have a worry
But they grew up in such a hurry

They’ve cried many times as they grew
I was always there to help them feel good
I dried their eyes more than a time or two 
I was Superman to them; I did what I could

I taught them what I think a father should teach
I didn’t always have it right. 
Sometimes the right choices were out of reach 
I just tried to be their light. 

They became what I wish I had been
They became strong and it is showing 
I see myself in them now and again
Even as my life is steadily slowing

as I age, I want the best for them
My blood started to rust years ago
I know I can’t forever protect them
Soon they’ll learn to grow alone. 

Throughout the years, this lesson they teach me 
Is more important than any I could teach them
To raise them to where they don’t need me 
All the while, increasingly, I’ll be needing them

Their youth reminds me everyday
That my days number more behind me 
one day, I too, will go away
And leave them behind, sadly 

As my life goes
It’ll break free from these living chains
And as my life goes
My blood will cease
-to course through these veins

I’ll still see them throughout the years 
I’ll still be there when they’re crying 
I don’t know how I’ll fix their tears
-and when I see this, again, I’ll be dying 

The feeling of being so powerless 
When the ones you love need you most
My sand already fell through the hourglass
What remains of me 
will be just a ghost 

So I pray that I do a good job
Showing them how to be strong
Showing them everything I think I know
God I hope that I’m not wrong.

Copyright © Walt Hughes | Year Posted 2020

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Where Did You Go

This hurt keeps me awake
The pills can't dissipate this emotion
This alcohol can't black me out 
If only I could give a magic potion

I see your face everywhere I look
Like an angel beguiling a glimmer of hope

Will I ever clasp your hand again?
Every sign I see tells me, "nope!"

I hide my melancholy-ness
In everything I do
I write these dirges from my soul
Dedicated to you

I dream no more
Your silhouette haunts me deep
The happiness I felt with you
I couldn't keep

Nothing more than bits and pieces
Like an old memory
I try to reassemble it
But has nothing more for me

your kiss, your touch, 
Each have burned a reserved spot
On my body
Never to be washed off

Much like your face, your smell, your gaze 
Is eternally etched in each dream
I can't sleep
You haunt me while I scream

You'll never know how far you had me fall
How perfect you were
How you made me feel so tall
That time I was sure

That you were the one
I shall remain 
Left with what could've been
Sleepless slumber nights 
Never to dream again

Afraid to relax my eyes

For when your image appears
My heart will bleed
Attacked with a thousand spears
Deader than dead; indeed

I pray to make you stay
Right here with me
Or I pray your face fades away
And finally sets me free

Not knowing is the worst 
The damage is still raw
Like a beauty in a hurse
That nobody saw

Copyright © Walt Hughes | Year Posted 2019

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In Your Head

You hope I’m not real 
Believe me, I am 
For when you wake in the night
I’m chewing on you like ham 
People tell you I’m just in your mind
That’s because they’re just being kind
But you all know I’m here 
And I’ll haunt you here
You will forever fear
The room alone 
For I am near
You know I’m right
You can try to fight
With all your might
But I’ll squeeze you tight 
Till the air is gone
From your lungs
Dead and gone 
Just for fun
So believe me when I say
You might try everyday
To Pray I go away
But I will not
Until you rot

Copyright © Walt Hughes | Year Posted 2019

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You Had Your Chance

In another life, maybe
You'd of been my wife, baby

You've shown me kindness
And been there for me
Took away my blindness
So I could suddenly see

The love you had to give
Was so good and grand
Felt good to finally live
Knowing I would be your man

wasn't looking for it when I found it
When I found it
I felt it
When you took it
I melted

Just took it without warning
And left me holding the bag
And burning 

Cuz I missed you
I missed your touch
Cuz when I kissed you
I fell so much

Then like that, its gone
Like Kaiser Sosa 
I thought you were the one
What am I supposed ta-


Just as the pain started to subside
You came back and opened my eyes wide-

-er and deeper and fiercer than before
And refilled that void you left in me
Resurrected me from the Plutonian shore
assured me I was the one you adore
Made me feel like there would never 
Again be an impenetrable door
Between us, not a door, not ever

So I let myself fall deeper and deeper
Than I did on the previous occasion
Then again, poof! Left me in a ?seether?
to wait for you for unidentifiable duration

Told me to wait for you
But instead I cried for you
If only I knew

How I would end up still holding emptiness
I'm not strong enough to say I'm through
I still dream of that happiness
That I felt with you

I can't wait, I'm sorry
I just can't wait to make it be
Cuz while I'm stuck waiting for you
Someone's waiting for me

They're waiting for their chance
To dance
With me 

They wanna love me and fill my soul
And show me to be in love again
make a diamond from this lump of coal

In this chest that you left there

She thinks I'm perfect she thinks I'm smart
The only thing missing is my heart 

That You took with you, twice
If you ever come back, 
I fear it'll be thrice

So I can't 

I'm not strong enough
The things we discussed
Weren’t enough
Rockets, chess, 
7 Egyptians, and the rest
Can all blow me. 
I'm not finishing this test

-good bye 

You were the best

Copyright © Walt Hughes | Year Posted 2019

Details | Walt Hughes Poem

Time Is Up

Its dark, i cant see
In this park,  its just me
A wrong turn and I'm lost wandering
Was too deep in thought just pondering

There's no one around its dead quiet
Pitch black at night, total silent

I feel the cold of a beasts stare
From the shadows it's everywhere

teeth that'll tear through bone and muscle
Eyes that glow at night
Gotta pick up the pace and hustle
Theres no way to stand and fight

It's cunning trot is getting nearer
Try to focus my eyes to see clearer

It's large I can feel the steps on the ground
It's quick, I hear it moving around

It's stench is unmistakably evil
It's intentions are unmistakably devil

Like a bullets release, it's come
Now I know where it's coming from

No fight, just flee
At night, just me
What kind of god can let this be

Try to run, feet are frozen 
My final moments, right now, I've been chosen

It's gaining speed
It's got one need
To feed

My first step weighs a ton
Step after step, one by one

Pick up the pace
Or it's my last race

It's coming
The fear is numbing 

It's got no emotion
Beg for my life?
It wouldn't consider the notion

It doesn't wanna hear me plead
It just wants to make me bleed

Start to run
I'm thinking
This is no fun
I'm sinking

Like running in soup
I can't recoup

The speed I had as a kid
Wishing I could remove a lid

Of a can of whoop ass
On this beast but its too fast

It's breath is on my back
I can feel it
Everything's still pitch black
I can’t see it

One more step, and I'm weightless
Picked up twenty feet off the ground
This part is when I'm helpless

I land hard like a truck, and I'm stuck

It's weight on my back
Ready to attack

Face down
On the ground
The only sound 
Is the sound
Of this beast 
of a hound
With its feast
That it has found

Why am I awake for this?
Why must I be the only witness?

To these teeth ripping me to a shred
This beast wished me dead

No pain. just the pressure of fate
If anyone came now, it'd be too late

Acceptance is my only mechanism
This is how I die, no more skepticism

As my mind goes, my life passes
My loves, my losses, my contributions
It all passes

The last thought through my mind; this time

The beast that easily destroyed me
Will destroy you, you'll see

Because this beast has a name in this rhyme
The beasts name
Is time

Copyright © Walt Hughes | Year Posted 2019

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The Science of Longing

Driving in my car right now
Driving in a daze 
but somehow
Driving through this maze

Letting my mind pontificate 
Thinking the way I do

About time, space, and distance
About how they work. For instance

Time is a measure of wait
It's unpredictable; especially if you're late

The more you get with the one you love
The more you believe in something above

Space contains everything
From a muon, a quark, an atom
To every living being
And every galaxy (hard to fathom)

Dark matter, antimatter
Photons, and gravitons 
All sorts of matter
Positrons, neutrons, and electrons

Of all things people need to live
Sometimes space is the best
Though hard to give
......Consider it a test

Distance is the space from A to B
Like the distance set between you and me

From microns to light years; its a cinch
How far from me to your smiles?
From 0.00005 of an inch 
Or 5,865,696,000,000 miles

Like Einstein says; it's relative in a way
You could be laying right next to me
And feel like you're so far away

Or 120 miles apart 
a simple text  from you could warm my heart

No matter the distance
It can be covered over time
No matter the space
You're still mine

Copyright © Walt Hughes | Year Posted 2019

Details | Walt Hughes Poem

Whats the Point It All Goes Away

A little Faith.
Is what He's yearned.
But it's gone like a wraith.
Had a glimpse before it turned.

Gone and disappeared.
Without ash or a scent.
Like an extinction it mirrored.
It came, saw, and went.

He's Left wanting more.
Confused and riddled.
His minds on the floor.
Lethargic and crippled.

It's come and gone.
It'll never come again.
Forever withdrawn.
Forever times ten.

Has he earned what He's yearned?
Has he deserved what He observed?

He tries not let the thieves.
Under his tightly buttoned sleeves.
But the man freezes and grieves.
Because all good in his life leaves.
It's fate that he believes.
That whatever he conceives.
Or whatever he achieves.


Sorrow and happiness interweaves.
-In his life. His hope, he retrieves.
-Briefly. But his hope, just deceives. 

He's not filled with hate.
He's accepted his trait.
That his dreams will forever evaporate.
His desires will endlessly dissipate.
Fate will shortly obliterate.
Anything owed to him, never to regenerate.
Or rejuvenate.
Lost faith in things to celebrate.
No choice but to wait.
And suffocate.

If only he knew.
There was a plan for him.
If only he knew.
His future wasn't so dim.

His salvation is overdue.
The helplessness he went through.
And the agony that he brew.
Could be gone with a coup.
All the horror could undue .

With just a look.
Who knew?
Not from a book.
But from you.

You're gone.
Just a picture is left.
long gone and withdrawn.
Your disappearance, so deft.

Just a sad memory.
Like a loved one buried.
The only thing one can see.
Is a marker, for the soul has ferried.
To the heavens, leaving not an ounce of glee.

How does the world end?
How does the world end?

How will the reaper reap?
Not with a bang.
But with a weep.

Copyright © Walt Hughes | Year Posted 2019

Details | Walt Hughes Poem

Hopefully Agnostic

I'm in your darkness
I'm behind that door
I'm that shadowy figure
That'll creep across the floor

That sound that wakes you up
You hear me at night
It's not all in your mind
I'm there; out of sight

I'm that figure that moves 
From the corner of your eye
Though you don't find me
My presence; you can't deny

I'm the supernatural. 
Believe in me; you should
I'm the evil you need
To believe in what's good

Next time you look in the mirror
When shadowy glimpses appear behind you
Be happy that its there
Be happy, and let it remind you

That there's more after life
More than just dead nothing
To look forward to
To look forward to something

A god
A devil
Many gods
Many devils

Better than nothing
Because nothing 
Is worse
Than nothing

Copyright © Walt Hughes | Year Posted 2019

Details | Walt Hughes Poem

Leaving Her Lonely

He's not hers
But he's perfect for her in every way
He's not hers
But he knows someday, he'll go away

She fights with every ounce of energy
To make him stay
Subconsciously knowing, eventually
He'll go away

She admits constantly
She loves him more than any before
She so fell hard, and honestly
He's it for her; nothing more

She plans her future with him
She fantasizes a life
With him
To be his wife

He's not hers
And it will hit like a ton 
When he's gone
And she's just one

He tries to break away easy
He's finding it impossible
He hopes her pain occurs briefly
But it's a terrible obstacle 

Her world will crash
Her dreams will shatter
He will feel like trash
His words will only make her sadder

Love is a b*tch at times
Learn from it; take note
It's the only thing that's both
Poison and antidote

Her pain is his only regret
He would absorb it all if he could
His future, without her, is set
Do everything he can? he should

Love is a b*tch and he's not hers
He hates these questions without answers

His path is already chosen
So with a bitter tasting spoon
He'll give her the poison
And hope she gets the antidote soon

Copyright © Walt Hughes | Year Posted 2019


Book: Reflection on the Important Things