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Best Poems Written by Apeksha Darbari

Below are the all-time best Apeksha Darbari poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Changing Winds of Time

Back it was, days long ago,
			When every moment was shared,
			Decades far it seems from now,
			When by hurt, I’d be spared. 

			The changing winds of time,
			Were so cold and annoyed,
			That by the time I could realize it,
			Everything was destroyed.
			To learn this new way of life was tough,
			Letting go was even tougher,
			In the blink of an eye,
			Everything had changed forever.
I could have consoled myself,
			By saying, ‘it will be alright’,
			But I knew it was not that easy,
			I knew I had to fight.

			Challenges were many,
			But chances all too few,
			After the same life, for years,
			These consequences were too new.
			Days followed days,
			Waving years goodbye,
			Standing in the core of all of it,
			Yet I was amazed, asking ‘why?’

			Music could still be heard,
			And people around still fought in vain, 
But I was missing everywhere,
			And I could never be the same again.  
Dark clouds covered me,
			And I had nowhere to go,
			Waited in this rain for days and weeks,
			As to when would the sun glow.

			Time preached me it was the one,
			Who changed relationships,
			Couldn’t have understood it better,
			Than facing all these hardships.

			I know it would never be the same again,
			Neither do I expect it to be,
			But I learnt from this episode,
		             I was quenching thirst on a dry county.

Copyright © Apeksha Darbari | Year Posted 2006

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In dark corners of my heart’s slums,
		I have sat and sobbed,
		For some strange pleasure,
		A poor man is robbed.

		With every single gesture,	
		And all the words they had to say,
		My wounds turned greener,
		And the pain was here to stay.

		Strangled in the chains of bitter memories,
		And trials of my endurance,
		I needed to know I’d survive,
		I so needed some assurance.
		But then too words never paused,
		And humiliation was at it’s best,
		My reflection too laughed at me, 
		As I was put to test.

		They handicapped me,
		Of my strength and self-esteem,
		Taking away my smiles,
		And my every single dream.

		Bitter words cut like knives,
		And how often have I been stabbed,
		Of my faith and self-esteem, 
		How often have I been robbed.

		I expected tons of happiness,
		And found loads of pain,
		When I wanted warm sunshine,
		I found myself soaked in the rain.

		Cold and weary, hurt and depressed,
		I had nowhere to go,
		These wounds caused me so much pain, 
                                           But they also made me grow.

                                           People never change,
                                           And thus these wounds would never heal,
                                           But I will wear them as evidence,
                                           That now my heart does not feel.

                                           After such a lot of pricking,
                                          My soul has grown numb,
                                          I don’t respond to such words now,
                                          I just sit deaf and dumb.

                                         The world has been successful,
                                         In its act of charity,
                                         To make me realize there are no feelings,
                                         There is no such thing as humanity.

                                         How selfish people are, 
                                         And how naïve you can be,
                                         You’ll learn when you are wounded,
                                         You’ll learn when you are me.

Copyright © Apeksha Darbari | Year Posted 2006

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You are what you wanted,
			You are what you dreamed,
			And if you’re not, just hold on,
			Though forever it could seem.
Don’t be uncertain of your distant goals,
			Nor be too sure of yourself,
			Just work hard, have faith in what you feel,
			And simply believe in yourself.
Don’t stop smiling if you had to shed tears,
			Don’t stop dreaming if a nightmare came true,
			Don’t change your ideas or change your 
			Because then you would no longer be you.
It’s not how many times you fall,
			It’s the grace with which you come up again,
			It’s not the happiness you get which matters, 
			It’s the beauty with which you suffer the pain.
Don’t measure the narrowness of the road,
			Measure the road to be walked,
			Look how far you have to go,
			Not how far you have walked.
Resolve to rise and forget to fall,
			Prepare yourself to hold on,
			Don’t look back at the battles lost,
			Realise that you need to go on.
It would be then you realise that you’re what you wanted,
			And you’ll come to know you’re what you 
			Because your faith helped you to hold on,
			And so forever it never seemed.

Copyright © Apeksha Darbari | Year Posted 2006

Book: Shattered Sighs