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Best Poems Written by Ra Wise

Below are the all-time best Ra Wise poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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No Would'Ve Could'Ve Should'Ve Allowed

Free Verse is a cop out.

As if I would just express my thoughts about it?

It is not my job to...

Tell anyone how to exercise their free will and they might just...



Just not me.

God keeps a ledger called Karma.

Lickety Tits

I know you just read it no matter how much I would like to believe that I had nothing to duo with


What a difference that would make.

I'm going to learn how to love them no matter how long it takes.

Copyright © Ra Wise | Year Posted 2019

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As If By Resurrection

And…. Here they come.

No matter how hard I try to get rid of these… 

past memories. Winkles in the fabric of…

Silky time and space

Earth and a place of…

You know what I mean?

My mother told me I got to choose.

My arrival?

Who is she kidding?

I don’t remember getting to vote that young.

The twos were interesting enough.

Where did my daddy go?

I mean everything that I say

Not everything that I write.

So here IAM M'AAM!

She did the best she could.

And she did NOT have it ALL.

Information. Education. Society. No Real Guidance. Guiltless society. 

It caused all of her.

So? What if I caused it?

I can stop the cycle anytime I want.


Okay, awesome.

Bible says no Bragging.



There goes my RESUME!

No children?

I have plenty of proof.

God didn’t tell me to be like anyone other than me.

And eventually I would figure it out 50 laps later.

Guilty, guilty, guilty.

Sin, sin, sin.

Broken record.

Broken record.

Broken record.

Neither here

Nor there

What a roller coaster of a dream.

Such is reality.  Sometimes.

At least for me.

I have ALL.

I have ALL the rules.

I make all the rules for me.

And everyone else.

I love breaking my rules.


And I follow no one. American Idol me not.

Why should I?

If my mother is correct I have been ruling this Universe I witness and experience.

From the moment I was conceived.

A love hate relationship.

Innocently powerful. Granted to me by my mother.

By the man who was my father.


I look like my brother.

Yet. Never really exploited.

Imagine being the afforded one?

Sans any guilt for being a human doing, just like everyone else.


LOL, that’s for the birds. 

We kill their free will. 

Pretending that only we can see.

Who is bigger?

As long as I know where I come from

I don’t have to go looking for love.

And knowing anything at all

just makes me arrogant.

That makes me...

... you.

Copyright © Ra Wise | Year Posted 2019

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I Do Not Know What I Do

Your thoughts are my command

I want them to be true

However, it’s not my job to tell you how to exercise your free will.

My thoughts are thought your are true to who you are

My thoughts are that the rules are what they are

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it

Especially for more than 2K+ years

Keep it real and just harm no one

Wars only bring tears

Still, God always prevails

Life is not a trick like and illusion

Her I AM

Do you recognize me?

Doubt it

Unless you created me

Do you recognize me now?


How then do you know that I am not speaking for the creator of you?



God loves texting


Stupid dead PS

Copyright © Ra Wise | Year Posted 2019

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How Do I Give Tidings Here

Why am I so stupid?

How come I did not get this instinct?

How c om I ended up on the opposite end of the spectrum as my sister and brother?

Why am I caught up in this really curious world that I live in now?

According to the BVioble, I have 120 years.


My grandmother is just now reaching 94 and she is so broken down. Like my grandfather, I am going to want to try to fix things, including her.

I have always realized that is my conscious that allows things to happen that I witness that I ewaliZe I am truly the cause of it all therefore, everyone is asking me… how can I allow this to happen if it is my coibnscious that determines the way tings are for me and the way I see things and interpret the way things are.

I must seek vsalifatiuon from my own conscious as if OI were witnessing

I were witnessing something that this wpou

I am witnessing something

I am witnessing things something

I am witnessing something

It becomes my truth

I want validation

I want valifatoihjn
I want valifot

I want 
I want valid

I want value

I want validation that what I am wow

I want validation that what I am witnessing is the truth

Copyright © Ra Wise | Year Posted 2019

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Just Another Internet Freak Show

Let’s pretend it’s raining.

I’ll have another coffee drink

I hear the rain now

Was it me?

Oh yeah

There are no accidents.

Confined to these lenses.

What do I see?




How could I be the cause?


How could I be the cause?  PAUSE!

How could I possibly be the cause of everything I experience and witness?

Curses! Curses! Curses!


How could everything be intentional???

Random was just so much better!?
I never want to believe I caused it!


Chill out people

I have ran through this one in my head a few times

And then some

I would love to share sometime the things I actually do here.

And not just some figment of your imagination.

Like before.

Literally just trying to avoid the rain.

Headed out the door now.

I need that coffee drink.

Copyright © Ra Wise | Year Posted 2019

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I Said Nothing

I said nothing

It didn’t know what it was doing

For truth, we encouraged it together

Like it was right, like it was good

It was meant to be 

And so it was free to be

While I forgave it silently

It had no idea what it was doing

I was still and 


I said nothing

Copyright © Ra Wise | Year Posted 2020

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If You Read the Previous

God gave me a pliable TOOL between my two ears.

WE call it a "Brain"

Most of US call it a "BRAIN"

I know that I can cause it to believe whatever I want.

Whenever I want

Don't ever be fooled otherwise.

Copyright © Ra Wise | Year Posted 2019

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You Put These Thoughts Into My Head

You put these thoughts into my head

How do I know?

Because I heard nothing but silence.

You put these thoughts into my head

To do Good

Not the Greater Good

That’s subjective

You put these thoughts into my head

That cause me into action

To do what?

Do good?

Only God can do good.

How do I know?

Ask the Bible.

You put these thoughts in my head.

Like I sang when I was a child.

But don’t quite remember.

I was raised to be an atheist.

Forced into the school of hard knocks

Without my permission.

You put these thoughts into my head

There are no accidents.

How do I know?

Ask God

He tells me so.

How do I know?

Because I hear nothing but silence.

Copyright © Ra Wise | Year Posted 2019

Book: Reflection on the Important Things