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Best Poems Written by Abdelbasset Taboubi

Below are the all-time best Abdelbasset Taboubi poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Fray

I fancy a life 
In which we’d be blithe 
In which you’re my wife 
And we shun the scythe

The dire death’s sickle
We shall escape its blow
If only time did trickle
If only it were slow

But though it is flying
Running in a vicious flow
I am hardly trying
‘Gainst its tide I row

Against time I stand
And though I’m only clay
I’ll claim the upper hand
In this long weary fray

Copyright © Abdelbasset Taboubi | Year Posted 2018

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Be His Beacon

Were my veins strong like the roots of trees
Were my heart restless like the working bees 
Had I nerves cool like the morning breeze
O my beloved I’d kneel on both knees 
And pray for the fleeting time to freeze
So we can live forever and go beyond the seas

Beyond every place, beyond people’s reach
Come, my love, do come I beseech
Come and let us every norm breach
Love I learn, love I cannot teach
But do be certain, for love I will preach
And in your memory I engrave this speech

Speak not to me of people’s gaze
Nor about the weak body that decays
All I know is that I’m counting the days 
On which I don’t see you, my heart is ablaze 
With passion and passion through me in a maze
Where stands my heart confused, knowing not his ways
Out of the maze, be his beacon with your amorous arrays

Copyright © Abdelbasset Taboubi | Year Posted 2018

Details | Abdelbasset Taboubi Poem

Transparent Night

I stared in the sky at a silent night
All i could hear was the sound of crickets
Yet still, it is a silent night

I thought to myself how one can fight, 
Resist, or miss being awake at such time
One would be fool if he fight

The night was so calm, so dark, so cold
But who is so bold, to stay awake at night
And face all those thoughts

The thoughts of a weary day, thoughts of 
A weary life, a tiresome existence 
Those thoughts come only at night

How cold is the night, how cold are people
They see only day and sleep all the night
How dare they miss the untroubled night

Their day is my night, i sleep in daylight
Eyes wide open, they can't see I'm dozing
Their night is my day, for it's the only way

For me to live unseen

Copyright © Abdelbasset Taboubi | Year Posted 2018

Book: Reflection on the Important Things