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Best Poems Written by Jennifer Bloch Gallagher

Below are the all-time best Jennifer Bloch Gallagher poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Enjoy For Just a Moment

Her shoe lace is dragging on the ground behind her, a leaf stuck to it.
 Her cheeks all flush with heat from rolling on the grass.
 She smiles as she watches a butterfly cross her path,
determined, she trys to catch it, her hair hanging acrossed her face as she 
watches it fly away
 Will she always look at everything with such inocence?
 The dirt under her nails is not a bother, her skinned knee is no big deal.
 Her day was full of excitement, playing laughing and blowing bubbles,
It now comes to an end. bewildered with exhaustion, bath time is so very quick,
She can't wait to sleep, just to start a new day again.
 As we watch our children enjoy the simplest moments , stop for a moment and 
take a deep breath, share with them a minute . Run after the butterfly, blow some 
bubbles,catch the rain drops on your tongue,and for just one moment remember 
how life once was. never lose sight of the inocence of our children and escape 
for a moment to live it with them.

Copyright © Jennifer Bloch Gallagher | Year Posted 2008

Details | Jennifer Bloch Gallagher Poem


I awake to start a day full of questions and cries,
   One step at a time, I remind myself, cool down for a moment,
 A phone call from school, the doctor visit, and the cat got sick on the floor.
   My day is no where near finished, where does my strength come from?
 I wish for a moment I could have a minute to myself, the bathroom door does lock, is that
    I will always want that minute for me , but always will know that I am rewarded at the
end of my day.
  The kisses good night, the prayers we say, just to see them all snug in their bed,
 gives me a peace known only to a mother who appreciates the spinning way of life.
 This is for all the Mothers who live their lives with a little spin.

Copyright © Jennifer Bloch Gallagher | Year Posted 2008

Details | Jennifer Bloch Gallagher Poem

Thru Mommys Eyes

You are amazing, little life of my own,
     I cherish every moment of being your everything.
  Your tiny hand in mine as you lead me to your mess,
      your tears wet my shoulder as you depend on my love.                               
    I  look while your sleeping, to see you safe and secure. 
Your eyes like my Mothers and hands as my own.
    You see me as no other will, Great, Magnificent, and strong,
 How I adore what you have made me , and count on your love.
    God knew what he was doing, and knew we were meant to be,
 And one day as a parent you will know this wonderful feeling.
     I thank Him every day for giving me the strength and wisdom,
 To be all you need and teach you well.
     I thank you , my precious joy for keeping me going when it's tough.
 I think because of you, is the reason I was given a second chance,
    I promise I will keep you and love you and always be yours.
 Thank you for being my joy.


Copyright © Jennifer Bloch Gallagher | Year Posted 2008

Details | Jennifer Bloch Gallagher Poem

Mother of a Teenager

He has spoken some words, He has broken my heart,
 This is my son my oldest whom I've loved from the start.
 Where have I gone wrong, what have I done,
To feel such hatred and anger from my first born son.
I've shown him love and never quit when things got tough,
 I'm not sure where this is going but I know it will be rough.
 I think I've done well, I always taught him right,
 Is this just a phase will it get better over night?
I am afraid of what may come, Not sure what to do,
Should I step back a while , and let go for a few?
My mind is overwhelmed with worry and fear,
 He'll be an adult in less than a year.
Where do I go to become what he needs?
I thought i worked hard and planted all the seeds,
He is angry , and lost I know he doesn't want to hurt me,
 He's my little boy, I just want him to see,
 I will never be his enemy, I will always be there,
What he is feeling I may not understand but I do care.
 This is boy  my heart and my soul,
Is this what happens as they grow older?
 Lord give me the strength give me the wisdom to get thru this,
 Let me be what he needs there's not a moment I want to miss.
 I am broken right now and lost in my sadness at this time,
 I hope we can make it, and soon get passed this and climb.
 Further and further in life as we go,
we need these things to happen to help us grow.
Now as a Mother and lost ,hurt and confused,
 I pray we will make it and soon know what to do.

Copyright © Jennifer Bloch Gallagher | Year Posted 2008

Details | Jennifer Bloch Gallagher Poem

Are You There

Are you there? It's been a while.
 My world seem to be diminishing, HELP !
My head is in a fog and all I can do is reach for you.
 Somehow I can not come back to reality, am I refusing to?
 I think I saw you,  Did you help me out of bed this morning,
 or was that just my routine?

I want to hide. I want to not be seen , heard , or found.
 Why do I feel so much dispare, why is my heart aching?
I have no reason, not that I know,
Where are you, have you given up on me ?
 I am broken and only you can mend me.
My pride has taken hold of me, Not only have I lost sight of you I have lost myself.

 Come back...... Come back now........................
I need you , You were all the hope I ever had........

There you are , Now here I am. Take me , wash me ,mold me , heal me , Love 
 Thank you for never forsaking me.

Copyright © Jennifer Bloch Gallagher | Year Posted 2008

Details | Jennifer Bloch Gallagher Poem

The Perfect Love

I feel him look at me without seeing his face, I feel him say "I LOVE YOU"
My heart seems to skip a beat or two.
When I feel his touch, all around me fades away, it is just him and I.
 Our eyes meet as if we speak thru them,I know what he is thinking.
He has made me his world his reason for existance.
His voice says 
"I Love You" with out a word spoken,
  I imagine my future, he is why I am fine with growing old.
He will be there by my side, My hopes and dreams we share alike.
Every moment we live it is for each other, My best friend, companion, my security, my lover.
 My life is complete only because my soul has been captured,
The one created for me I have found , my soul raptured.
His hand holding mine keeps me strong and a bit wiser.
 Because of him I want to be a better person.
He gives me a feeling of comfort within myself,
 He gives me the strength and support to go on.
He is my angel, the one some spend their lives searching for.
 I have been blessed, I have been spoiled, I've been loved like no other,
My dreams we share, my hopes are the same.
I am so thankful for what I have found in him, I hope he knows.
For the love and compassion and kindness he shows.
So gentle and warm so loving and kind,
 I am truley lost in a wonderful find.
I will be sure to tell him how much I do care,
 and how much he has changed me for just being there.

Copyright © Jennifer Bloch Gallagher | Year Posted 2008

Book: Shattered Sighs