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Strength Women Poems

These Strength Women poems are examples of Women poems about Strength. These are the best examples of Women Strength poems written by international poets.

The Player's Song
(Author's note- The narrator for this poem is a fictional character, and does not represent my actual views on these matters. But I think we've...

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Categories: women, confidence, corruption, dark, lust,

Premium Member P O W E R
Panther-like strength and resolve
Orgasmic vibes slither underfoot
Woman who knows her talents and strengths
Engaging in social scenarios, taking prisoners
Rivals run from her court, trying to save...

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Categories: power, women,

In grace divine, she guides with ease,
Her empathetic heart, is a  masterpiece.
With beauty, brains, and a gentle spark,
She shines, illuminating every dark.

Journey of life,...

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Categories: women, appreciation, beauty, creation, meaningful,

Steady as a rock, firm faith she carries
The embodiment of strength, girl power!
She reads out her mind like a political novel
Confidence is her hidden name...

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Categories: leadership, woman, women,

It starts of quickly and subtle..
Ignoring the warning signs.
You've soon become a victim..
Red Flags SCREAM between the lines!

Don't allow him to hurt you..
Please listen to...

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Categories: women, abuse, fear, hope, relationship,

Stewards of the Land
Oh, Pacific, Paradise at a glance,
Where the ocean sings and mountain dance,
Where nature's beauty knows no bounds,
And ancient matriarchies wisdom resounds.

As the stewards of the...

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Categories: women, devotion, discrimination, environment, strength,

Soar my sisters soar
I never prayed for patience 
It was not my forte 
as I'm one who wants things 
to always move right away
but I've learned that life...

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Categories: encouraging, growth, inspiration, women,

Premium Member recognizing wild woman
Wild woman can outrun a stallion
Out laugh a hyena
Out drink a camel

Wild woman knows her strength
Her spirit rivals the ocean
Competes with the mountains
Shines through the...

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Categories: women,

Premium Member From Palimpsest to Glory: The Music of Florence Price
In Ouachita's tales, where pine needles sigh.
I trace the mountains' ancient, weathered crown.
Silvered river forgotten secrets float by
And fills my heart, a sonorous chamber now.


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Categories: women, black african american, courage,

Soar: Seeing or Ancestors and Aging Sisters Rise
It was a release of the Jewish captives 
sent back to Jerusalem
Isaiah appealed to the people 
and this is what he said to them
yes, you...

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Categories: inspiration, women,

Premium Member Divalicious
Dolled up powerful women,
interested in building the table;
Very often off on their own,
always by their own design;
Leave her to it
if you don’t appreciate focus
cause’ she’s...

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Categories: emotions, strength, women,

Premium Member The Little Man
Why should we 
be allotted a day at all
there is no allotment
we carry the load 
we always have 
we always will
it is au naturale 


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Categories: muse, strength, woman, women,

Women Hold Half the Sky
Not muscles forged in fire's wrath,
But gentle hands that cradle life's path.
Not thunder's roar that shakes the earth,
But whispers soft, of wisdom's worth.

Weavers of dreams,...

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Categories: women, appreciation, beauty, celebration, endurance,

Premium Member Herstory from Battlefields to Laboratories
Herstory from Battlefields to Laboratories
-	Daniel Henry Rodgers

Beneath stardust's scattered gleam, 
Her-story, a comet’s tail, blazing across time.

Through seasons it molds
...Once hushed now bold
We rise like...

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Categories: women, freedom, girl, history, literature,

virtue's garden
powerful and poised, she walks with grace,
radiating strength in every stride she takes.
optimistic and diligent, she seizes each day,
virtuous and wise, in her special way.


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Categories: women, 10th grade, beauty, bible,

Book: Shattered Sighs