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Social Commentary Poems - Poems about Social Commentary

Social Commentary Poems - Examples of all types of poems about social commentary to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for social commentary.

The Bee Poem
Did you know there are more than 20,000 known species of bees, but only 5 percent are social bees? Only 5 percent allow you to get to know them. They’re minding their business, building their...Read the rest...
Categories: social commentary, allegory, extended metaphor, gender,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Law of Averages
In my humble experience I’ve found The average individual is smarter Than the average group But the average group is stronger Than the average individual And so the group will always get its way But the individual can usually figure out How...Read the rest...
Categories: social commentary, inspiration, perspective, society,
Form: Narrative

Perpetual Quandries of Dischord
Perpetual Quandries of Dischord Permanent irreversible Attatchment disorder A lemonade stand at the Mexican Border A traumatised disorganised old lady hoarder The incriminating evidence on an old tape recorder Elements of discontent shivering through a crowd Firmaments of promises...Read the rest...
Categories: social commentary, international,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Welcome To My 'Merican Life Life
Welcome to my Snowflake life Where I know what's right is right Children belong with their parents Not in cages with ICE agents Welcome to my Libtard life Where I know whats right is right If they lived here since childhood Then...Read the rest...
Categories: social commentary, community, patriotic, political,
Form: Rhyme
The Letter
The Letter I sent a letter to Lady Karma And that Blind Lady Justice . . . Hopefully they Will wake the "F" up And do their appointed jobs. I wrote this letter With my sharpened quill Of...Read the rest...
Categories: social commentary, analogy, introspection, judgement, meaningful,
Form: Free verse

A Social Commentary
I just heard that Donald Trump Is making Pink Floyd pay for the wall They're the ones that built it Seems only fair after all...Read the rest...
Categories: social commentary, funny, humor,
Form: Free verse
Save the Past-Social Commentary
you see, he grabs what he can get that bearded fellow in the sky because its the future and we forget for what once people gave their life everyone seems to forget the bible was a book of philosophy changed in...Read the rest...
Categories: social commentary, angst, natural disasters, religion,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry