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You searched Exact Keyword(s): hockey in category: sin and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Maple Leaf Friendship

The young Maple Leaf stands there,
Canada's favorite tree.

The young sapling,,
Layered to perfection.

Admired by Canadians everywhere,
Sign for our Canadian hockey team.

A beautiful tree to behold,
Leaves swaying in the breeze.

The Maple Leaf is a coveted song,
Sung by choirs and soloists.

Beautiful to behold,
Perfect in shape and form.

I view you from the dinning-hall window,
Watching you gain prowess each day/

What a miracle you are,
God's chosen beautiful tree.

Author: Gwen von Erlach Schuetz

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Nhl Lockout

From Boston all the way to Vancouver, the hockey season may already be over. Right now, there is quite a bit of doubt. The team owners have locked the players out. For hockey fans, this isn’t very nice. They won’t see their favorite players on ice. It will take a lot of negotiating and luck to get the referees to drop the puck. The two bargaining sides are still miles apart. Because of that, the season won’t start. The team management and players should get it together. On the horizon, I see lots of stormy weather.
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A Poem For Maya's Birthday

Now that your birthday is here,
We hold you very dear.

The years of growing up,
Beautiful and sacred.

Your excellent  father and mother,
Nice that you have a little brother.

Gymnastics your favorite sport,
Along with hockey.

Congratulations on your championships,
Grandma is very proud of you as well as all your relatives.

I am happy that you enjoy school
 Friends that are really cool.

I hope that you have a healthy and happy year at school and at home.
God bless and hugs from grandma Gwen.

A celebration with family and friends,
Happy Birthday my beautiful granddaughter Maya.

Author: Gwen von Erlach Schutz
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To the most ardent fans, this year has been hell. There are plenty of idle hockey rinks throughout the NHL. With season ticket holders, this has not been nice. They want to see their favorite players roughhousing on the ice. The team owners have been staging a lockout. Will there be hockey games this year? There is increasing doubt. In the National Hockey League, nothing is coming up roses. No players have been losing teeth or getting broken noses. Nobody is slap shooting that hard rubber hockey puck. We want to see the games played, but we are out of luck. We are stuck with watching basketball games around here. Perhaps both sides will come to terms and play hockey next year.
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Winner Takes All

Winner takes all

 He sat on the sofa feeling disgruntled, watching TV
about a young woman who read a poem about hill climbing.
I have climbed many hills, he said to himself, 
but there was always a steeper hill to conquer.
Take sport, he said, women win everything you care to mention
 even football and ice-hockey the last bastion for men has been invaded 
to the newspapers delight, of course, the editors are women, 
as are the contributors; it isn’t fair.
His wife enters. She has been on the treadmill for an hour, 
asks him if he has done the dishes? No! He says folding his arms in protest.
Do them now the cleaning lady is coming, she may think badly about us.
Triumph, at last, he thinks, typical female worries about silly things.

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Windsurfing Whales

windswept windsurfing wallabies warbling whales wailing................................................................................

A pink fish travelling with a tea towel is neither in a rush or dirty. Gridlocked gorillas getting grapes gracefully glide. Seafront mystery in windswept hair carrying a carrot, a jar of mustard, and ten grains of multicoloured rocks. A tambourine on a sponge cake can be beating but not beaten. And a lamb cawl is not a call nor a front crawl so place the gate and door at a sixty degree angle. Many custard cups play hockey with wildebeests in tutus. In a fingerless glove place nine toes, and in a pocket watch place a turning tubular pin. The frost from a llamas horn is neither stagnant or perfumed, it is merely a tidal wave of porridge. Hahaha magniloquent magnolia magnitude making monkfish moussaka. Hahaha equality equals equipment eveningwear xxxxxxx hospitalities Z z Z z Z
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New Journey

I’ve waited my whole life.

To see those magical dreams come true.

Of hiking in the mountains,

Seeing man’s first step on the moon.

Independence, I learned on my own.

Self worth was so important to me.

Learning who I was, a great education.

Where in the world will I be?

Computers had started to become a beginning.

The technology world was awaiting thee.

Off to college I did go.

Only to earn a degree.

Later at a hockey game, which I loved so much.

A stunning man sat beside me.

Understanding the game, we shared similar things.

Three years later we wed, the happiest we would ever be.

The dream of being a mom.

Holding a newborn, five fingers and five toes.

First steps, reading to them.

Even a silly runny nose.

Now they have wings to fly.

Adults with dreams of their own.

Now a new journey , some call empty nest.

I call it new beginnings at home.
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Mother and Son

Pride, Joy, unconditional love, football, hockey, baseball games, these are a few things that went through my head, when I realized I was having a son.

Watching my tummy grow, feeling you do flips, kicking me endlessly in my ribs, my goodness, I guess I shouldn't have eaten that spicy food after all but mom has to eat.

Hearing your heartbeat the first time brought tears to my eyes,  knowing you were healthy, was all I needed to know. Finally on July 28th of 98, I got to meet you, my newborn son. Surprised by your big blue eyes, you were a beautiful sight. I had to catch my breath, when I found out your birth weight, all ten pounds, nine ounces and 22,inches long, My God what did I eat?

The first one to hold you was your proud dad, he had love in his eyes, his life in his arms, He helped give you your very first bath. An instant connection he felt, forever it will last.

My bond between a mother and son is like nothing else,  my favorite time was when I was feeding you, with you feeding off my breast. My precious son Joshua, a young manyou are becoming, forever you have my heart.
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Swimming Moves

We used to go swimming with our parents and children at the Fitness Institute,
The facilities were enhanced, we had showers and a make-up room.

There was a swimming pool and a tennis court, 
After  your swim, you could sun yourself on the deck.

We were all good swimmers, my sons and I and our parents,
You could dive into the pool from the side of the pool or the diving board.

We swam the breast stroke, back stroke,
The side stroke, the dolphin , always enjoyable.

Diving from the diving board was a deep experience,
Many pleasurable experiences here.

Good to be with our children.,
We could go to the restaurant after for a lunch.

Then we would all return to the beautiful house with my sons and my sister.
These are good memories.

Now and then we would go for a picnic at the local conservation area,
Toss the frisbee and the boomerang back and forth.

Then we would go back to our parents' house,
Watch hockey or baseball on the television.

Then our mother and grandmother would cook a delicious dinner,
Father would say a prayer,

We would all enjoy another;s company,
Play monopoly and gin rummy,

Memories that will always stay with you,
Remembering all the magic at our parents and grandparents' house.

Author: Gwen von Erlach Schutz.
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Can You Be Proud of Me Now

I can't join the military for my disabilities won't let me,but I can help free 
       up some of the pain by advocateing for the veterans rights and help people to welcome 
       them home honorably.

                  I can't play pro basketball or football or even hockey for that matter but I
       can valiantly be their biggest fan and cheer them on to victories;oh yeah I can play a mean 
       game of wheelchair basketball.

                  But hey Mom, Dad, community "Are you still happy and proud of me?

                  I may not me able to be the next US President,congressman or congress-
        woman,but hey I may be your senator or town mayor fighting for your equal rights.

               I may not be able to stand and say the pledge of alligence like everyone else
        But I'll be proudly front and center the first to remove my hat and speaking the  
        allegence with my hands as fast as they'll go.

               But hey Mom,Dad, and community are you still happy and proud of me now!

               I may not be in the world olympics skiing and skateing,what such but I am 
       first place in bowling, swimming and I may be slow but its all for Special Olympics,
       we really have some time on our hands do you want to talk some more,or just give  
       a chance.

                Again I ask hey Mom, Dad, community, really still proud of me now.
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Lorne Park Days

What good memories living with our parents and grandparents Dr.Wolf and Dr.Erika,
My sons Kirk and Erik and my younger sister Antje and I all lived together in the beautiful house.

My sons signed up for soccer, my  oldest son Kirk and his team won the soccer
Erik liked playing soccer too.

My younger sister Antje used to play  lacrosse,
She also enrolled in the martial arts program.

I became a vice-president of research and education,
As well as moderator of discussions.

Went on to become a champion volleyball player with the Parents Without Partners team,
Our team won the championshio with a friendly game with the Americans.

I used to go on a picnic now and then with my sons,
We would buy  a bucket of chicken from Colonel Sanders.

Afterwards we would get an ice-cream at the Dairy Queen,
When we were back home we watched sports on Television.

We watched the hockey team win the Stanley Cup,
The Blue Jays won the World Series.

These were days to remember,
I would drive our young children to elementary school.

They did exceptionally well at school,
Continued their schooling in the community of Bolton.

My handsome sons graduated and then went onto to date and marry,
Kirk and Jenn married in Muskoka and have beautiful children Merrick and Maya.

They moved to British Columbia,fell in love with the scenery,
Erik and his beautiful wife Lisette married in Costa Rica.

I always say society is living their dream,
May God bless us all.

Author: Gwen von Erlach Schutz.
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Love In the Time of Pandemic

Met at supermarket, disguised under
masks illuminating our crisis.
“Haven't we met before?”
She laughed, wanted to know where
the dairy section was.  “Just follow me,” 
as if I knew! But it wasn't hard to find
and her display of patience impressed me.
“So I gather you don't work here?”
I wanted, desperately to see her face and, yet
kept my mask on that cloaked the scar on
my lower lip, from using an old razor. 
“I'm just a volunteer,” I ventured and she
laughed again.  “I can help you to the car, honestly.”
Piercing my eyes, she relented and then,
dropping the bags in the backseat I noticed kids sports gear.
“My son plays hockey,” she said.
“Is he any good?” I asked and then saw her ringless fingers
as she removed the gloves and reached for her purse to give me a tip.
“Pretty good, here.”  I paused, not knowing what to say next and she
interpreted that as the expectation of a higher tip, but I hurried to say,
“Sorry I lied, I'm no volunteer you know.”
“No, then what, who, are you?”
“Still trying to figure out, hard these days.” She laughed again.
“At the moment just a prospector,” I said. 
“Prospector for what?”
“Love of course.”  
“And you look for that in the market? You're liable to get yourself killed.”
“I was first killed by love, and to reciprocate, it lend me its rainbow jacket.”
She was behind the wheel now, grinning. “Where is it now?”
“It's invisible you can only see it if you feel the love. Can you?”
She took one good look at me and then turned engine on, pulling out and then
rolled down the window. “I do. Wow, love at first sight, I thought I'm too old 
for that.”
“Nonsense darling.”
“Well then shall we remove our masks?”

Book: Shattered Sighs