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Nature Simile Poems

These Nature Simile poems are examples of Simile poems about Nature. These are the best examples of Simile Nature poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Death Of A Smile
The last time I could remember seeing you was 2017
Life was one big song
You know the one that plays from the voice of the vinyl...

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Categories: simile, death, me, mirror, poetry,

Friendship's Kindling
Yellow is your favorite color like the sun
while Aquamarine is mine like the sea
kindling our inseparable bond 
like the sunrise and sunset 
bursting over our...

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© Mia Pratt  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: simile, color, friendship, nature, sea,

Death by Clothing
I worry that my coat will murder me.
Hanging on Banister’s Edge it’s a man lurking, dark.

I’ve seen rows of killers shadowed and waiting,
hidden in the...

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Categories: simile, analogy,

Narrow Margin
- in those moments, it shines.
The nostalgia of an upside down
world glinting up through hourglasses of years,
a mark impressed upon flesh; a scar harbouring
simple childhood...

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Categories: simile, analogy,

In The Silence
In your silence I see colours,
speech crumbling like flaking paint, dried; truth dripping from lips, black spittle on a brush.
In the silence I inhale the...

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Categories: simile, analogy,

Sunday Street
She walked down the street with her hands clasp in thine and for one moment it felt like something divine; she was walking out of...

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Categories: simile, beautiful, confidence, deep, friend,

Whats about these flaws that everyone is scared of 
Scared enough to hide behind a mask
But never show them to the world 
Somewhere we are...

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Categories: simile, art, beautiful, cute, literature,

Premium Member Mother Nature Draws the Dawn
**  Mother Nature Draws the Dawn  **

Dawn sets off 
This longitude’s waking,
Displaying nearby trees
Into their scribbled silhouettes
In shades
Of gray with blasts of...

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Categories: simile, art, day, imagery, light,

Premium Member More To Her There Than Meets the Eye
More to her there than meets the eye
    a hint of bare shoulder, a near-glimpse of thigh
  Her golden...

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Categories: beautiful, mystery, nature, simile,

Premium Member Confidence Is a Choice
Confidence is a choice,
Preponderance of undue ignorance,
Tethered in tandem to wheels of spiny leathery,
Bumpy hairs click back at a finger’s flick.

Rotations earned from itself, but...

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Categories: simile, age, appreciation, confidence, nice,

Premium Member Cul-De-Sac
the good

The doors to my mind and heart
circle as revolving doors.
A peek inside and you see
happy memories and joyous events,
the loves, and lifelong friendships

A cul-de-sac,...

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Categories: simile, anger, dark, hate, life,

Premium Member Tomorrows

These thoughts begin composed
   (“adagio ma non troppo”)
With a happy, a peaceful heart’s tempo,
Assured the nature of 
Imminent or distant tomorrows,

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Categories: simile, christian, feelings, imagery, inspiration,

A Winter Walk
Like a window with crystals of snow,
I am cold.
Like the little fire in a furnace,
I glow.
My skin so numb,
What's underneath this u ever wonder?
Why would...

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© Tripti Kr  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: metaphor, poetry, simile,

A Ravenous Rhyme
Jen, the human race is in a rush.

you remain calm
Like the heavenly ornament
Painted by Gods brush....

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Categories: simile, allusion, creation, god, metaphor,

Premium Member To and In the Nature of Awareness Grace

A fall morning drive presents an interesting ride.
Looking out into he roadside forest palisade,
Eyes fall upon two age-old...

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Categories: simile, allegory, hyperbole, imagery, life,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things