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Funny Senryu Poems

These Funny Senryu poems are examples of Senryu poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Senryu Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Drops for 'Pops'
  Onto every head

  gooey bird poo sometimes drops

    ~ funnier on ‘Pops’

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Categories: bird, funny, grandfather,

We seen it clearly
We see a tree by it's fruits
If not, it's Marcotte.

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Categories: discrimination, funny, humor, perspective,

Premium Member Decadent Duo
Tacos and pizza,
I cannot choose between them;
Decadent duo....

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Categories: food, funny,

Premium Member Then, the Good Old Days
Then, the Good Old Days
Better than what’s now, always
This law, all obeys

When, in good times past
Bygones better, Everlast
Nows always surpassed

And, back further still
Even better then,...

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Categories: funny, future, humorous, time,

Clucking Hypocrisy
Chickens aim so high.
Aha! That's what I thought too,
When I hear you cluck....

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Categories: funny, humorous, metaphor, onomatopoeia,

Premium Member Two, One, or Zero
Two wiener dogs meet
Each yap loudly, strangely greet
Oddly on the street

Hounds bite other's butt 
Owner blames the other's mutt
Not open and shut

I note discreetly,
"Both were...

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Categories: animal, dog, funny, humor,

Premium Member Practical Twins
the tablecloth stained -
old couple had gravy on
their chins, no napkins

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Categories: funny,

Premium Member Laugh Out Louder
news depresses friends
tall tales hurt their funny bone
go tickle a lie

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Categories: cheer up, depression, uplifting,

Premium Member I Felt Like A Book
I felt like a book 
very tired old and worn out 
needing rest on shelf....

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Categories: feelings, life, old, people,

Premium Member T-Shirt
she seemed cute to me
     tee shirt said up for a hug
so, I grabbed a hold

the other side said

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: boy, clothes, cute, funny,

Premium Member Mistletoe
mistletoe season ~
	time to pucker up and kiss
		the dung on a stick...

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Categories: celebration, christmas, december, funny,

Premium Member Hyper Stoner
Lord, please help us all,
Stupid stoner is again
Bouncing off the walls....

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Categories: addiction, drug, funny, humor,

Premium Member Invincible
        exult, newlyweds 

     you're truly invincible ~

   aaarrrgghh! toilet seat's wet...

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Categories: funny, marriage, relationship, strength,

Premium Member Farting
Walking farts don't count 
it's the silent deadly ones 
that leave people in disbelief...

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Categories: funny,

Premium Member Cowplops
a stroll in the field
the essence of barnyard
between the toes...

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Categories: funny,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things