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Since When Does Lion Rhyme With Dying?

you're like a tiger shark
you wait for me in the dark
snapping at my feet
i bet my blood tastes sweet
devoured by gnashing teeth
it comes as somewhat a relief

you're like a vicious lion
i'm the zebra who keeps on dying
stripped of my skin and bone
is this what it feels like to be alone

you're all a figment of my mind
created because i feel unkind
you never existed you never will
afraid of me because i'm ill

you'll all go away if i put one in my head
no more thoughts when all is dead.

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Sophie Helen and Shark

Sophie Helen is a cocker of sorts
She loves to sleep, denies all kinds of sports.
Enormous running days over for years.
She chases raccoons, has no obvious fears.

But only occasionally, for she is lazy and fat.
She eats baloney, and dances with Shark, our tom cat.
I never saw that ever in my life before
Says Vi, my elderly neighbor who lives next door.

What? I ask. Please, Vi, what do you see?
A dog and cat getting along. For the life of me!
The cat is wandering in and out of Sophie’s legs.
They are best friends, these two, they both eat eggs.

Table food please they yell loudly and clearly.
Shark meows and Sophie Helen loves him dearly.
They are a lot of company, this cat and this dog.
They love eating meat, especially bacon or hog.

Shark is ten, Sophie Helen is eleven and a half.
They are as funny and cute as zebra or giraffe.
Their antics well known, their friendship is fine.
I am glad every day that these goof balls are mine.
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Random Thoughts That Rhyme

Adjectives laugh, insisting on their way
Bright eyed ideas determined to stay
Creativity ready to leap and parlay,
Dancing along my dendrite highway
Elusive words rather well fed
Frankenstein fodder explodes in my head.
Grotesque vocabulary parades in my brain.
Hip hop dancers drive me quickly insane.
I eat sixteen sweet rolls, hoping to get fat.
Joking and jumping this way and that.
Kookaburra does knee bends each and every day
Longing to twist me in another creative way
Mysterious mantis is now flying freshly free
Nefarious tentacles swiftly and firmly grab me.
Ostrich in top hat lets out an exasperated sigh.
Purple eggplant pinnacles decorate a warm pie.
Quivering chimps travel in a new outer space.
Responsible llama queens are running in place.
Striped horse pretends now to be a zebra.
Twirling in Africa with a shiny ameba.
Underwater feelings with her weird hums
Vision quests brought on by Cherokee drums.
Walrus and whales summoning a great white shark,
‘Xtraspecial playmates whistling in the autumn dark.
Youth spreading coffee cake around to annoy.
Zealots persuading no one of their frenzied joy.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things