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Details | Political Verse |

Fake News V Gospel Truths

Good news
grows healthy outward actions
from inward integrity attractions.

Pathological propaganda,
fake news,
grows conspiracies
and black magic outside my door,
From unconscious accidents of ignorant mistrust
and deliberately mendacious distrust.

Good news plantings,
fertilizing outcomes
harvest polycultures of healthy wisdom--
more good hope-filled news.

Fake news evermore outgrows paranoid 
fake absence of historic news,
lack of weed discernment,
drought of PositivEnergy,
toxic salt and bleach
build sick subclimates,
monocultural worship
desecrating MotherEarth's healthy karmic grace
with more red Ego Outrage,
anthro-centric bad win/lose business
trending toward lose/lose
absence of secular LeftTruth
and sacred RightBeauty

For example,
Today, in the USA,
declares FakeNews Incorporated,
Donald John saved everybody
in the whole world
from the horrors of Green EcoTherapeutic Cooperatives
restoring Health/Wealth News--
Positive organic energy
devaluing derision of evermore deflating
FakeNews competitions for market share.

AND Donald John saved no one
currently living on RealTime PlanetEarth
with contagious bliss of more Integrity
through RightBrain ego entertainments
observing adrenaline-soaked
over-heated competing subclimates
of pathological Fake Busyness
pushing nothing healthy--
merely more WinLose
trending toward LoseLose devolution,
counter-revolutionary absence of anything
PositivEnergy newsworthy.

Gospel narratives
grow healthy multicultural salvific actions
from Left with Right integrity attractions.

Book: Shattered Sighs