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You searched All Keyword(s): walleyed in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Running Hare

He keeps airborne, skimming over the grass
defying a specific gravity
of joy or fear.

He throws weight off his back like water.
The sky rolls over coiling flesh
as he hurls a tunnel of space ahead.

Where he has yet to bounce, the grass parts,
the land accommodates his passage -
gives way.

A walleyed rapture, a blind bounding
from the tip of mad whiskers.

A last ripple
while blades of grass reclaim the moment.

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Running Hare

He keeps airborne, skimming over the grass
defying a specific gravity
of joy or fear.

He hurtles into a tunnel of space ahead.
The land accommodates his passage -
gives way.

A walleyed rapture, a blind bounding
the sky rolls over his whiskers
aiding the hares leaping heart.

He escapes the eye
barreling into nowhere until gone.

A waving grass
ripples into stillness once more,
reclaims the moment
the hare had just fled from.

Book: Shattered Sighs