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Human Race the Planets Grim Reaper

In the magic kingdom Disney's pen he did draw
A slightly dozy tiger and a bear named winnie the poo
The Lion king and Simba who brought joy to all who saw .
Dumbo and his big ears amazed the world and flew.
and king Louie in the jungle, who wants to be like you.
and a kung fu fighting panda and a dragon warrior to boot.
the only downside is that thanks to you and me, theres only.

Tigers are nearly toast 3,200 left
20,000 lions roaming free
Asian elephant 35,000 not a big number as you can see
Sumatran orangutan 14,600 nice going cousins nearly wiped me out
Panda 1,964 that pretty black and white 

If your another species beware the human race.

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Sumatran Elephants

Sumatran Elephants, are critically endangered
and there are local extinctions, in many places
as it is humans, who have willfully managed
to invade their territory, not leaving many spaces

Nearly 70%, of the Sumatran Elephants great habitat
has been totally destroyed, by the now known human rat
 in just one generation, over two thirds of lowland forests
have been willfully razed, for business corporation profits

Humans have built, many pulp and paper industries
and constructed food generation, from oil palm plantations
creating animal, human conflict, over elephant territories
as the destruction of their land, is for human consumption

Only the male Asian Elephants, have those mighty tusks
and this makes them a be target, for the illegal black market
This cuts down their breeding, as they need a lot of conceiving
because the evil bloodline of money, is what humans are greeding

Book: Reflection on the Important Things