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You searched All Keyword(s): stinkbug in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Crazed By the Process

A creative process
disguised as a French Bulldog
has pooped in my mind-pot,
where I was complacently
growing small obscure weeds.

Muse me, or abuse me you poetry bug,
if you are a stinkbug, I will take it,
fake it until…

The Frenchie faux English Bulldog
licks a poetic banana smoothie
I have been working on like a dog.
The soft and gooey muse
shudders, goes insane
from a rare form of Gallic syphilis.

The dog poop,
is not processing well.
Fragments float in a soupy miasma:
said poop, a small annoying dog and
a smoothie.

But hey,
I think I can do something with that mix.

Poets know
that all kinds of ingredients
may be added to a mind-pot,

all we need do 
is stir.

Details | Haiku |

A Haiku Anthology - Theme Summertime

wildflower meadow as tall as a muntjac cuckoo cuckooing - farmers haymaking grasshoppers stridulating don't touch a stinkbug - wood admiral glides honeysuckle its host plant humid the hot nights - warm is the river fish rising leaping for flies life seeking cool shade - inverted swimmers water boatmen taking in air cygnets follow pen - as fall approaches swifts are well on their way second brood blackbirds - hungry mosquitoes human siestas a nap insect repellent - sunbathing insects flowerflies hovering free mowers thrashing lawns - farmers cutting hay a smell not forgotten wildlife be afraid - sunbathers warning cream up or suffer sunburn worse melanoma - swifts immature three years on the wing unbelievable - sand martins nesting adorning soft sandy clifts freshwater skimmers - dragonflies masters watch them fly backwards a thrill kingfishers posing - super hot weather droughts not good for wildlife reprieved... thunderstorms - climate warming both poles can't take the heat humans all sweating - a countryside walk on a warm sunlit day foxes sunbathing

Book: Reflection on the Important Things