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You searched All Keyword(s): ranchos in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Brig Pilgrim

This is a Rosarian Sonnet in pentameter

I wanted to see a new sailing ship.
To Dana Point I went, just a short trip,
I toured  the Brig Pilgrim, gift from Denmark
to the United States honoring great
Henry Richard Dana;s voyage of late.
It was around Cape Horn they plied their sails
in eighteen thirty-five. through rain and gales.
With hope of buying hides they disembark
off California’s Spanish rancho fields.
San Diego’ s ranchos gave many yields.
Rancho San Lauius filled ship’s hold full
Fiesta was given by vaqueros
Mayordomo was happy with pesos.
He gave special fight with rancho’s mean bull

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Cantina Dream

Emerging from the shadows of the mission’s broken wall,
The moon falls on her shoulders like a ghostly silken shawl.
She wears a chain of silver and abalone shells.
Her eyes as bright as emeralds, her voice, like Spanish bells.

She wanders past the courtyard, the potter’s earthen jars,
The lights of the cantina, the lullaby guitars,
To step beyond the threshold of conservative affairs,
And let her dark desires be the focus of her prayers.

She conjures desperados burning ranchos built of straw. 
Her reckless indiscretions led to brushes with the law.
She’s broken her piñata and found herself beguiled.
Her heart was always restless, but now she’s running wild.

She glides among the canyons like a ghostly vagabond,
Her freedom the expression of the innocence she’s pawned.
She wraps herself like water around the un-carved stone.
It’s easy to imagine, but hard to let alone.

I look for her in turquoise that mirrors desert skies,
The wind that sweeps the mesa, my lover’s sleepy eyes,
The haunted midnight pueblo, the cool adobe dawn;
Though mountains rise between us whichever side I’m on.
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Hey Teen


Hey teen, did you screw up your date ?
Or your crush didn't show up at the school gate ?
And did you swear at the girl next to your crush, yeah the one you hate ?
Or did your singledom made you Question your fate?

Hey you! Smile if you failed that stupid test
You know you'll buck up for you are the best 
Tell me did you go on shopping with your best friend?
Just laugh it out if you spent all your pocket just to follow a trend  
And don't forget to plug in your earphones when on the bus,
Oh you missed you bus today? Laugh! It's a cute fuss
No it's not worth it to cry over a rejection
Just dance like there's no tomorrow to chuck out that dejection
Just confess your feelings man
For your teenage is a short span
And eat it all, the pizza , waffles and the cupcake
And just love yourself like you love scented candles, fairy lights and fries for the heaven's sake !

No not every date will be like that of ed sheeran's perfect
And not every squad will be like that of f.r.i.e.n.d.s I bet !
World has very few Ranchos sorry for the same
But you'll see a lots of Ali's from the Squid game 

Yes! You can do it study hard through the fall
Your notes, colourful pen and your coffee you have them all
Relax you'll go to University and figure it out
Don't forget the goodnight snap with your signature pout

Stop crying for your grades,body and love
Keep the trolls below and yourself above
Just kiss your crush atleast in your daydream
Buddy , your teenage won't last forever so just weird things annd scream !!

Book: Shattered Sighs