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Juan Johnnie Avocado Seed

Juan (Johnnie) Avocado Seed
By George W. Clever-----15 September 2020

A migrant boy in California 
His only toys were avocado pits
Making castles at the Rancheria 
In the dust with the pits where he sits
Until told of a boy who traveled the borders 
Planting apple seeds to grow fine orchards

Dreamed of a day when he’d be in demand
Planting huge avocado seeds across the land
For all to share his gift of avocado’s monounsaturated fat
He would be Juan Avocado Seed and that was that

Giving people Guacamole to spread on chips
Sliced garnish on tortillas rice and in their dips 
Avocado Mac and Cheese or on pizza Chicago Style 
He would be famous as Juan Avocado Seed mile after mile

Unable to leave his Rancheria without a Chevy 
The bag of Avocado pits was just too heavy
Yes, the avocado seed, a Creator’s mistake
Its pits too large and heavy he did make

Book: Reflection on the Important Things