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If Ever I Had a Country: Lxxvi


IF ever I had a Country with or without any " Wood " in the aching aping Film Industry
And if ever (you know the refrain by now) I were NOMINATED - not hoodwinked into 
     assuming the role of the Chief FILM CENSOR by every paid-up (most likely not) member of 
     the millions of ciné-clubs, cinémathèques, Actors' Studios, Film-Workers' Unions, Cinema-  
     Makers and Cinema peddlers' and Distributors' sororities and fraternities
The first thing you bet I'll do is to issue an Irrefutable Command to burn every spool or reel 
     of film (excepting one of each as evidence in case of litigation) made after the Year Elia 
     Kazan stopped filming " America ! America ! " and " Viva Zapata ! " - not to mention 
And then proceed forthwith and/or thenceforth without any hesitation whatsoever to ban all 
     films based on the undeviating formula of extended excruciating display of VIOLENCE for 
     the sake of relishing VIOLENCE in the name of our children watching with us into the late-
     night on the sofa including the repeated RAPE against the wall on the kitchen-table astride 
     the toilet-seat of poor but heavily-snorting apparently DEFENCELESS but willingly-ripped 
     actresses on scene leading to the apochryphal MURDER of the hero or heroin with electric-saws 
     and choppers à la " Massacre à la Tronçonneuse " butcheries
Then shut out of my chaste and highly-principled patrie ALL box-office breaking films especially 
     those crowned with Oscars and Ceasars Grammies and Bears which encourage and advocate the 
     use of pernicious drugs and hard liquor while the cameras O ! so casually ! pick up the eternal 
     " bar " scene of the Western giving us what they really want to : the lewd swaying of nakedly-
     clad lithesome nubile dames in the distance - the lazy loose car-screen wipers - the " porno " of 
You bet also invite ALL ME-TOO gals and Orphaned-Boy Cubs victims of Paedophilic Preachers and 
     Priests and Professors posing as Critics to rip up cinema seats and leave behind just enough 
     methane gas to blow up theatre halls after being subject against their will to watch copy-cat 
     Hollywood Bollywood Chollywood Nollywood versions of Michael Jackson's beyond-the-grave  
     calesthenics even while being attired in " Prince in New York " Eddy Murphy fineries 
And this, if ever I were appointed the Chief Film Censor of my highly-principled moral Philistinic 
     Country spurning aping Bolly-Cholly-Nolly antics of Miss Holly in the pantry
And even if I never ever had no country worth acting out in the wild woods of the Imaginary

© T. Wignesan - Paris, April 10, 2019

Book: Reflection on the Important Things