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You searched All Keyword(s): nulling in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


Details | Acrostic |


Auburn interspersed with deep dark green
Under skies of China blue, air chilled
Transience now defining feature seen
Unset mellow summer cast distilled
Masks impending season, lulls the mind
Nulling coming darkness, close confined

BITE SIZE POEM no29 Poetry Contest

Details | Diamante |

Fill the Empty Well

                           hollow, void 
             depleting, nulling, vacating 
abandoned, nothingness, capacity, plenary 
                  filling, imbuing, hilting 
                      brimful, complete 

Date written: 01/20/2023
Details | Epitaph |


Qi and phi,
Murder and hijinx.
Averting worth to silence the clink.
Yet it is there; impaled through the chink in my armor made of kinks.
I'm a topological quantum knot; if my thoughts were anymore entangled, I couldn't think.
Too much or less would be false so no waltz.
Assaulting the heedless mind with hyperbole or nulling it with apathetic faults.
Adapted with facts fabricated by clocks.
By this insult, I assert a Ballista of rage and riposte.
That acts as a swift handed counter attack.
Tit for tat with the Colossi; in opposition to gargantuan adverts.
As such, I am tasked with being poise and strategic in the face of futility.
But that is what the hero does in every fable; as such it is fitting for mine.
Wielding qi and phi with guile, so be it when my time is nigh.
Details | Lyric |

Deceita Or What a Circus


Oh what a circus, what a show!
The United States Senate has gone to town
Over the selection of a judge to the Supreme Court

They’ve all gone crazy
And there’s none who can do it with such self righteousness
Falling over themselves to get
All the hypocrisy right

They couldn’t let it happen
It had to be changed
Couldn’t have a Judge with constitutional belief
That could ruin all their Utopian plans

Must arrange his removal 
Ran around looking for somebody who
Would accuse - old answer there all the time
Destroyed reputation in view

And as for facts and veracity 
They never invited them in
They found a martyr, who’d represent all the suffering
of her sex
Nulling basics of evidence and truth
The end justifying the means

Cry now for the Constitution
The truth is no longer objective 
With accusations wild
And with no evidence
They found him guilty
He’s deemed defective

Cry now for Lady Justice
Assumed innocence holds no longer 
We have a victim now
And he the assailant
No need for witnesses
Calumny is stronger
Details | Rhyme |

How Sad


Still mulling
Soon to be culling
Something always pulling
The same can be said for lulling
As well as constant gulling
With little if any way of nulling 
From neglect sharpened objects began dulling

In a cage, behind a fence or unleashed
Still a bunch of sheep
One creep sunk teeth
Now the victim's family must weep
Rarely getting much sleep
It's been years not just some week
Does little good to just cheat
The answers run deep
But they do not come cheap
What was once bleak
Turned into treasure instead of a junk heap
Truth be told, it takes a lot of upkeep

Wow man
It's really gotten out of hand
Nearly everything is now a scam
Done through a screen and with a mousepad
How sad
Many in power still corrupted walking around like a proud man
For a long time, I was down bad

Took a tougher stance
Then I discovered that
It's a continual puppet dance
All these s get rich off other's backs
Slip up you'll go under fast
Not getting another chance
As they attempt to cover tracks
In comes a younger cat
Occasionally got to where need be by way of hovercraft

Book: Reflection on the Important Things