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Details | Dramatic Verse |

Heart of the Meek

Deep down in his heart was the draining of sorrow,
Despite the reality of his faith grabbing the dew of every morning,
He forms the power of stable mind but never turns a candle light on,
Whenever words get full in his mouth, darkness fence him tremendously,
He paints down every imagination,

He pens down every echoing sound,
Immediately society set out to brag of their partners, he perceives unsensational dispensation appearing from the ground,
They only haste to rule his meekness with a vile, making him feel bound,
They had no figured realizations to dispose their murderous acts firmly nowed,
In a cage was he alone, despite his presence among men identifiably and unidentifiably yoked, 
Finding himself a dream took his spirit toward a lonely road,

Many had the thought to drag his individuality into a black sack,
Hey, those squad never knew what he terms, “logical man of unperforated fact”,
Firmly did he sat to establish a compactible gust,
Since those unaware nuisances steam their senseless passions to mislead with sprinkled dust,
A dagger he raised to butcher their inequity was rightly sharpened for a total must,

And the state of their recalcitrance was divided into shame,
Stelled eyes behind the scene elaborated the story of the meek,
This finely fortified the “ready aimed” of this generation to step up their game,
But the pride insane refused to listen and understand what every sage need,
He was an exradictionary caliber pertain without greed,
And he had it all written on his face, how he wishes all those weakened get freed,
That`s a factuality roofing the head of “THE MEEK”,
Yeah, he was meek…
And no one dares to deny it as truth.

Details | Political Verse |

Dream Dialogues

Last night
R. D. Laing
re-searched for his original Politics of Experience.

This political research
transubstantiates through sensory-neural communion
of felt right-brain experience 
re-gained through integral therapeutic re-lateralship
with MotherEarth's here re-nowed
cooperative/competitive rhetorical events
empowering further synergetic re-search...

Then Patrick J. Deneen
responded with his strong bipolarized win/lose confusion
about Why Liberalism Failed.

like capitalism,
begins left-brain dominant re-search
to transubstantiate all human/divine
Left/RightWing interrelationships,

Beginning with matriarchal nutritional
empowering double-bonds
of attachment/detachment,

EarthMother/Child co-depend
on communications cooperatively chosen
on the foundation of our mutual win/win service
to rational ego/eco
inside/outside transactive,
left/right mutual health utility
to cooperatively grow secure liberating re-portions
of resiliently transcendent love.

Finally, couples therapist,
Dr. Sue Johnson
asked if we might all co-respond 
with prejudice toward natural/spiritual attachment,
starting each warm-breasted day
with a prayer to always Hold Me Tight
in sickness and in strength
for robust wealth of health,

Through this climatic night
of re-search lights too resonantly bright
for resilient win/win soothing multicultural sight,
in ego
and out matriarchally ecological
MotherEarth theological experience

Re-stressing uncertain double-binding
ego/eco-rhetorical events,
potentially re-birthing,
re-connecting too-competitive/not-enough-cooperation lovers
anxious about angry abuse
and/or neglect through fear
of future win/lose toward lose/lose Loss,
non-WinWin co-redemption

This politically experiential way
of working and playing
toward win/win cooperative relationships
not only helps humans divest of competitive win/lose patterns,
but also re-creates re-newed re-sense
of win/win integral Creation's ZeroZone womb
of original loving interconnection

With win-win EarthMother/Infant,
Interdependent right-brain re-identity/left-brain childhood Individuation,
Sacred transcendent being/Secular becoming transactionally liberated,
Yang secure/Yin freedom of integrity's potential

Liberally timeless rhetorical re-event dialogues
still holding us left/right re-transubstantiating
empowering sacred communion's re-experience
of health/wealth
re-living resilience,

Polypathically co-acclimating original deep dream resonance
through transactional politics of sacred re-experience.

Book: Shattered Sighs