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Top 25 Results (Member Poems)

You searched All Keyword(s): interpolate in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Migraine Misgivings

          in the eye

        leaping jumping
back & forth
on a grand scale


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Molehills To Mountains

Molehills To Mountains Tom’s Thoughts 3/2/2020 When Politicians dare to interpolate, Using verbiage to change how we relate. All are drinking from a polluted fountain, Trying to produce a “meadow muffin” mountain. Without their utilizing a single steer, They're causing our country's landscape to look drear.
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Positivity Is Not Fake

Positive people will find solutions 
tackle problems and resolve them 

Negative people use blind delusion
interpolate specious elucidation   

Positive people face upto reality 
grounded understanding gravity 

Negative people want to fly 
the grass is greener in the sky 

Positive people challenge and chase 
see negative hurdles part of the race 
running at them with calculated pace 
defying gravity in a momentary escape

Positive people acknowledge negativity
negative people refuse the possibility

It's the chances you take 
or the chance is you're fake
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Mustard Yellow

Canada is afire and I’m confused, shouldn’t the snow put that out?

The Boston sky is an interesting shade of mustard yellow,
and there’s a pale orange haze where the sun should be.

Lisa, drowsily asleep-walked into the kitchen for her morning coffee. 
“So this is Mars,” I observed, “Elon Musk will be so jealous.”
“Good,” Lisa said, “I was afraid it was nuclear winter.”
“There’ll be no breathing today.” I updogged.

We could almost hear the slow, delicate pitter-patter fall of micro-ash.

“*There’s aaaa bright golden haze over Boston..*” Lisa began to sing softly.
Lisa knows every Broadway score and can easily interpolate a song into every conversation.
*Webster: Interpolate: inserting something, like music into a conversation
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In the Fragility of Dreams

in the fragility of dreams lies their opportunity

	to chose between the royal road to consciousness

		and a random clutter of misfiring synaptic transmission

		cotton wooled clouds harvest seeds from a fallen day

	gift a single candy apple or fruit basket case assembly

grow roots as they float into visions and fanciful exposure

		at their will they dare to collect a soothing fragrance

	of cinnamon and lavender perfume and scent at slumber

evaporate in doubtless measure a myriad of sacred rest

as harbingers in disguise even nightmares offer redemption

	once taken to the task in search for terrors’ cause and signs

		they speak uncomfortable truths like courageous guides

delicate in their ephemeral essence they tease illusions

	highlight unspoken boundaries and sound divisions

		which interpolate conflicting reason with emotions

		frangible reliability enters realms of disbelief and faith

	when morpheus wanders paths of underworld’s mystery

and that fragility reveals the strength of passing dreams

18th May 2020

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Industrial Evolution

If I had a factory I would actually produce nothing at all because

Satisfaction can never be mass produced let alone happiness

Workers would not manufacture for their hands should be free

To craft rather than assemble in strict prearranged conditions

They would not sit idle of course but follow their creative minds

Overcome the vile dictate of fabricated needs for the masses

‘Back to poor roots’ established purveyors of doom interpolate 

‘We need money machines not fine artisans and philosophers’

‘Leave thinking to the masters and disavow your utopian craze’

So while I am called a renegade rebel I lay claim to contempt

Of blindfolding slaves with cheap goods instead of pure virtue

Do not mind the malevolent label of anarchic revanchist treason

‘But what will they eat instead of the scraps from our production’

‘They will starve if we do not lead them like sheep to the slaughter’

‘We are kind humanitarians willingly sharing the means to our end’

I admit that my concept of work houses with no preordained tasks

Threatens the status quo throws a spanner into a well oiled machine

Of domination and marginalization fine tuned in centers of control

Yet the disorganized factory which I never owned in the first place

Will invent itself as soon as the non-workers can think on their own

Evolution is rather industrious and nothingness counts for a lot

Book: Reflection on the Important Things