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Summer End-Fall Onset

Written: August 22, 2023 ______________________________________________________________ Under the warm glow of a summer night's sky. I discover solace and serenity, an instant of sigh. While enjoying a cup of coffee, I relax on my deck. I relish seeing nature portray its wonderful trek. Maples, which was once green, turned red. Their vivid hues had me sense the delight Hazel trees quickly followed and spread. Their leaves turn golden in the sunlight. The oaks in the far distance loom tall. The leaves turn a rich, warm reddish brown. Drawing the end of summer and onset of fall. Yet it ends in a reward for laborious bound. For months I've toiled, tending the land, Weeding, watering, and mowing by hand But now, as the sun sets low, I reap the rewards and my labor grows. The air is crisp, with a hint of fall. Yet the warmth of the day still lingers. As I drink coffee on my deck, facing the wall, Lost in the beauty of nature's fingers. The golden haze of the summer's eve Wraps around me as a gentle breeze, I feel at peace, content, and free to leave. At this moment, it's just me and the trees. Rewards of my efforts are not material gain, But in futile pleasures after a lot of pain. The colors, the scents, the tranquility All the riches that money cannot lability. As the sun dips below the horizon, sublime. And the sky turns a tapestry of pink and purple. I am reminded of the preciousness of time. The wonder that fills us all serves to interpel. So I raise my cup of hot coffee. Toasting to the joys of summer's end, To the chores that have been completed, And the rewards that nature sends

Book: Shattered Sighs