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Details | Dramatic Monologue |

On How I Love U-

My"In the rising of the Sun to the setting of it the new moon dawns I love you and more than 24 hours of every day each day I say as I pray I love you oh how I love you do the working of the rain falling on the terrain washing my substantial sins thisugh and in these winds blowing in the breeze all this and many more wishes I dream I relinquish my thoughts I care about you so much all how I love you I love you Lord my God you are the air that I breathe you are a bunch of lies everything that I Ever Need I love you oh how I love you every day this will I say more than anything and forever and always I love you more than internity I love you more then I could ever begin to believe I love you oh how I love you father God you were doing me you've done everything for me set your son down here on this Earth erase my spinning my sinful curse and forgiveness Mercy Grace flourishing I thank you for your intervention " 'Lord oh how my God oh how I love you' " Hallelujah my, my, my my, Oh, O Lord my Lord, ny God of Eternity O how I love U"

Written by James Edward Lee Sr 2022

Details | Blank verse |

Quest For Internity Jeff Bezo

The quest for eternity (Jeff Bezos)

He awoke under the bed; it had been his birthday 
and had drunk champagne and eaten Danish pastry
He stretched, feeling stiff, walked to the kitchen, opened 
the fridge took out cheese, tomatoes, butter and 
A bottle of beer, which thirstily drank.
The cleaning lady had been everything was in order
but wondered where guests had gone and when they left
The house was quiet, not a sound from the street
looking out, he saw cars stopped, some with open doors
like they had been abandoned in haste, must be something 
important going on, he thought, walked into the bathroom
had a shower and shaved.
In a bakery/café, he had a sandwich and coffee, which he had
to make himself since no one was around
It dawned on him people had left for a reason unknown 
and everything, cars, cigarettes and beer, was free and only
For him to enjoy.
A Rolls Royce that had belonged to the mayor stood in the street
as he had never driven an expensive car before he started 
The car, what smooth ride, he thought, but where are the people?
At the plaza, he saw a dog that looked like the one he had
many years ago, called the cur’s name, but it growled at him
and ran away, frightened of him.
At an expensive restaurant walked into the kitchen, made
a good meal, and drank fine wine without worrying about paying.
The dog came in, to all friendly now understanding it had 
to stick with this person to be fed.
Months went by, he had everything, but he had nothing there
no change, days were the same, he lost interest 
in himself stopped shaving and bathing and wore the same pants
and shirt every day as time was endless no point doing anything
Life had lost its meaning; he had to take the matter into his own hands
took the lift up to the top of the building and jumped, but he descended
slowly and softly landed, he  broke down and sobbed
He was doomed to live forever as a punishment for his wishes to
Be a master of life and death.
Back under the bed, he went to sleep an eternity away, but the dog
stood outside the bedroom crying, who is to feed it now?
Details | Rhyme |


                  Candied isle presents herself immodestly,
   exposing a proud seduction of 
                   azurity acting. accordingly. 
    Aisles of eye-taffy, watered-marked 
cast dye soaking instantly to memory, 
tractoring the eye by facets 
that are seen through twice at once, 
branches into mental symmetry.
Waves of beautiful victory, gallantry 
fauceted in iridescent deja vu witnessed in it's every variety.

Lush emerald waves caress the shoreline 
in fondling allure of contrived alacrity, porously cured, litmus tasting, invest of purity beached.
Unsparingly licking crevaced reach, 
lapping wetness in a smooth swathe of soothe bath, tongue in groove lap danced, breach of contact, 
without mission creep.

Direct production of survey able exhibition playbilled 
of natural method f-actoring pregnancy 
of fertility of timed maturity.
Natural beauty offsprings of internity address, 
dressings undress blessings.
Attractions hot off the impress,
to authenticity's purity test.
Luau maidened fronds weave in a knowing pomp. 
In mid ad sway, ready to wave in patron, 
musical bands, of the Sun-reading palm, 
photo-synthetic balm.
Ringed invitation, curating deeper currents stirring synthesis from, oscillation of fandom.

Sun-kissed sand tickles my toes 
with it's whiskery feel of surroundings. 
Tongue of cat, nosing of treat, and posed 
as so, as in your path, to greet.
"A ground-swallow- syncing 
mini liquefaction suare, with feat ure comfort 
massagery nichery, of squishy cabaret, 
of traction ballet." 
(Strutting her strata, layer of enchilada, 
top shelf- showing feats of her gilded inlay.)

Pixie-dusts pay forth in my hand. Petals of magical flitterings, blown glass window-lings of the wind. 
Glitter-witch lending, her smithing 
crystal crysalis priming, 
probing imagicanary rainbows, bend, 
mining plot of time and reality.
Or immersed in the ocean's richly foamed foment, 
of embrace, at hugging kiss of frisky tranquility  
sprawl of the coasts of gold,
to wander along this shore,
with souls dared and spirits draped at it's apothecary. 

Our being, reshaped, 
bare bones against the atmospheric space, that
flowing tide, ambrosial wave of grace sings 
of, it's vocation, in your sacred chambers.
In the vastness and variety of creation .
Remembered, as Holiday, a "Feast Day" "on vacation."
A celebration space, is
God's bounty, stationed,
in every dwelling place, 
farther than the mind can see.

Book: Shattered Sighs