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Details | Pantoum |

My Name Is Mia

They named me Mia, and I love my home!
My family's the best I could have found,
along with the fenced-yard in which I roam
about our pool, with grass and shade around.
My family's the best I could have found-
I spend fun times with them in every way-
about our pool, with grass and shade around,
as well as outings at a park to play.

I spend fun times with them in every way;
but- there's a joy ranked highest in my quest;
as well as outings at a park to play-
to hang my head outside our car- is best!

But, there's a joy ranked highest in my quest-
enjoying brand new scenes wiz by is ace!
To hang my head outside our car is best-
as we ride fast, the breeze cools off my face.

Enjoying brand new scenes wiz by is ace-
along with the fenced yard in which I roam.
As we ride fast, the breeze cools off my face! 
They named me Mia, and I love my home.

May 16, 2020

Contest: Pantuom Rhyme And Personification
Sponsor: Eve Roper
Image #2

Our daughter's family pet is a Havanese 
named Mia, who looks exactly like the photo,
and she speaks to us in this poem!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things