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A Painted Table

My friends come dine with me, while nature writes its poetry. 
Corn, maize, sunflower seeds, bread, nuts and fruit for all 
your needs. A bowl of water for you to wash, a gentle sip and 
your thirst may quash. Through the pine the sun doth glow, 
around the table the colours flow. Before my eyes this 
coloured mist, the morning air and dewdrops kissed. Blue Tits,
Great Tits danced the floor, Blackbirds, Thrushes wanting more.
Spotted Flycatchers dart and dash, Chaffinch, Bullfinch preen
and splash. The Treecreeper stalks the maize, a Bee Eater green
on yellow floats the haze. Jays and Magpies for morsels fight,
Wagtails hop in black and white. The Robin stands and shows
his chest, the Siskin lands not far from nest. A Yellow Wagtail 
carries the eye, all is song beneath the sky. A Crossbill comes
and steals the seeds, the Wren is perched and gently feeds. On
a branch high above sit a pair of Turtle Doves, as a Bunting 
sings to the one he loves. Warblers, Goldcrests scrap for corn, 
Sparrows skip and clean the lawn. This mornings table was
with colour blessed, all was warm in natures nest.

Book: Shattered Sighs