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You searched All Keyword(s): fur seal in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Causes Emotions

As I sit and look through my opened window I realized that everything that breaths has emotions..
I looked at my plant and notice that if I don't speak to it and feed it not only with water but with love I would see that the leaves start drooping..
I looked at the colorful butterfly and I put my hand out and it came close to my hand but out of fear it flew away
I put my head out of the window and noticed on the window seal that a few ants were marching by and when I put my hand out they scattered and ran away
The cat jumped up to the window seal and I called to it and it came close and I rubbed her fur and it purred 
For all things that breath have emotions

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Extreme Optimism

Aside from the glorious colours of autumn It is my least favourite season of all four It foretells of another Canadian winter just around the corner I have seen 79 of them That's 79 too many! All my life, I've longed to live where A sweater was the most I ever needed to wear to feel comfortable Instead of fur lined jockey shorts and mukluks Fashioned from seal skin My life long dream has not materialized yet Still have 20 or more years to go What do you think my chances are To live in a warm climate before I reach the magic number 100? On a scale of “slim” to “a sure bet” Would you figure it would be somewhere in between Or as I predict... “a sure bet” Now that's what most would call extreme optimism Really, it's only 21 years from now I call it a done deal! © Jack Ellison 2014
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The Selkie

~~~~` from the ocean , he comes ....    ~~~~

Out of the waves the seal has come
through froth and foamy seas
to shed his skin and walk on land,
his passions to appease.

To find a maiden of his own
to woo and gently please
and once her heart is given him
he'll head back to the seas.

The lovely man who turns the heads
of love lorn innocents,
he is the Selkie of folk lore,
who leaves, but not repents.

The Selkie comes to woo the heart,
his passions to appease,
then leaves the maid in tears, bereft,
and heads back to the seas.

Out of the waves the Selkie comes,
sheds fur to walk as man.
He plays around with human hearts,
his temporary plan.

Out of the sea a Selkie walks.
Do not fall 'neath his spell
for he will not remain on land.
It's in the sea he'll dwell.

~~~ for Debbie Guzzi's 'Creepy Irish Creatures' contest ~~~
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Awaiting My Fate

I sit astride a large rock awaiting a mate
Viewing my kingdom from this lofty place
Shuffling my belly to get comfy I wait
My eyes are looking out making sure all is safe

My colony is large for protection it seems
that man, is the most likely to end our dreams.
Large killer whales and sharks are waiting off shore
but on land we are hunted for our fur.

Each year “our ocean” is getting small
Soon no place for us to live as before
We were there when the navy had our need
Why don’t they protect the area we feed.

In water parks they teach us tricks
Happy we are to oblige for a few fish
Safe and protected well we might be
But we would rather be wild and free

Soon cubs will be born suckled by the mums
We are mammals of the sea providing milk for them
Great mounds of fish daily I eat
This is the one thing which will seal my fate.

I am a Sea Lion

penned 2/2/2017
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Free Cee Mrs Society Wears It To All Formal Events This Made My Girlfriend Weep


So they trekked up the mountain covered with snow
surrounded by white with only one place to go
they were headed for a place where money could be made
but the job they do leaves so many squealing and afraid

spurs on their shoes and the dollar sign in their eyes
each step brings them closer to the clear blue skies
ice picks, shovels and the all important implement
and none of these men deserve any form of compliment

footsteps bring them nigh to their prey
because this is a job with mighty good pay
it just requires heartlessness and a dark heart
with selfishness playing it's specious part

suddenly they come into vision at rest
just living snowballs about to face their final test
mallets and hammers paint the white with red
so Mrs. Society can wear the fur of a baby seal beaten until they were dead
            © 2012.....copyright PHREEPOETREE ~free cee!~

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Free Cee Mrs Society Wears It To All Formal Events


So they trekked up the mountain covered with snow
surrounded by white with only one place to go
they were headed for a place where money could be made
but the job they do leaves so many squealing and afraid

spurs on their shoes and the dollar sign in their eyes
each step brings them closer to the clear blue skies
ice picks, shovels and the all important implement
and none of these men deserve any form of compliment

footsteps bring them nigh to their prey
because this is a job with mighty good pay
it just requires heartlessness and a dark heart
with selfishness playing it's specious part

suddenly they come into vision at rest
just living snowballs about to face their final test
mallets and hammers paint the white with red
so Mrs. Society can wear the fur of a baby seal beaten until they were dead
            © 2012.....copyright PHREEPOETREE ~free cee!~
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Blue Fur

The beautiful sight, the sun immaculate
We walked into the pet store
Not knowing what was to come
One look at her, and she filled my heart
Her eyes glimmered like the ocean blue
As she pranced around her cage
Hoping that today someone would take her home
Her fur was like a winters blanket so soft
Its grayish blue color memorized me
The warmth in her body made my heart beat
She “purred” for me as she nestled in my arms
I felt like I knew her, but this was the first time
Her nose as precious as the streak of white
That ran down her back, her meow so subtle
Patience so sweet, nothing was wrong on the outside
But on the inside she was sick
Her presence like a baby
Fought daily to live, and harder to love
How could I have ever known she carried a disease
I wanted her with me, but was too afraid
For a cat as special as her, I never wanted to lose
Her presence touched my heart, 
And signed her seal in my soul
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Polar Bears

For eight months she carried her twins
only to give birth in her arctic snow den
for 18 months the cubs will suckle her milk
and a year later the cubs will finally venture out,

Her male cub grew to be 6 feet tall on all fours
but standing up he's a majestic four feet more
his sister a bit smaller but loves her seal meat too
bear noses smelling the seals 20 miles away on the floes,

They're insulated with blubber underneath their white fur
with paddle like huge paws when they want to swim
able to swim 60 miles if they're desperate for food
their designed for arctic swims as a general rule,

But these beautiful animals are becoming endangered
less ice means less seal meals to sustain them
becoming more dependent on other food sources
such as reindeer, vegetation, whale remains and rodents,

The Inuit arctic people still hunt them for food
but the hunting is regulated which is very good
these solitary polar bears need to be protected
or the 25,000 left will be gone forever.

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The Three Legged Cat

The Three Legged Cat
By Franklin Price

The three legged cat, a sight to see,
a long haired Siamese,
a Seal Point there is no mistake,
it's outside in the freeze.

It came up to our back porch;
knocked on the doggie door,
said, “Could I come inside tonight?
It's cold, I do implore”

My wife's a real cat lover,
her eyes were sadness filled,
Said, “We have a box and blanket,
a small shelter we could build.” 

I guess I'm just a softy;
especially when it comes to her.
I'm thinking, “It's a long haired cat.
That's why it has it's fur”.

You know that I relented.
We got the blanket and the box;
Made a shelter for the Siamese;
Even got a pair of sox.

Put the shelter on the covered deck
on the lee side of the wall.
She enticed the cat to go inside
all she had to do was call.

We left it looking curiously,
As only cats can do
And as we went into the house
I think it meowed “ Thank you”.

Now it's early morning
We don't know where it's at
Probably went home last night
It was the neighbor's cat.
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Oh Sweetest Breeze Carry Me Home

Oh sweetest breeze carry me home to fields of nectar-green So I may rest my tired back against the gentle old oak tree I'll carve my name into its trunk and seal it with my love I blow a kiss with painted lips that match the colour of my heart. And when the moon deceives the dusk with its persistent glowing light Those unique limbs will reach for me to keep me safe, they will protect me in the wild. I'd nestle 'tween their tender strength as spuming stars fill up the night. And when at dawn the sun will rise with molten gold warming my eyes This skin will bathe in drops of dew dripping from leaves of painters' sleeves splashed with a glossy silver-hue. The birds will fly out of their nests cloaked in their fur red-breasted dress They 'll sing to us,along we'll sway like fresh-cut blossoms blooming in May. Oh sweetest breeze carry me home to fields of nectar-green So I may rest my tired back against the gentle old oak tree . Oh sweetest breeze where is that place, Where Is the place I call my own Is there a voice , Is there a wind Is there an oak tree calling me home?
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In a Land Far Away

On an easy breezy day in a land far away, it came to pass that a polar bear mother gave birth to a roly-poly ball of fur, in a den dug deep into a bank of snow and earth. No doubt, the cub wanted to go out to play in the sunlight, but the freezing Arctic winds made it spend its days curled up with mom, warming up next to her fur. But before long, it was strong enough to tag along with mom and explore the great outdoors. And when the time came, it was eager to scout out its frozen domain. The glaring sunlight off the white snow hurt its eyes, so, it had to take it nice and slow, hiding in a nook, watching mom kill a seal and drag it back to the den. One day snowflakes started falling from the sky, it didn't know why, nor did it care. However, the cold water was beckoning it to jump in, for it instinctively knew how to swim. It wasn't long before it paddled out to the ice flows, its heart, beating at a steady pace. And there it learned to hunt seals with muscles of steel, sleek and trim. In this land far away, polar bears are no more, they're either in zoos to be bred, or dead onshore. The ice flows melted, and with no place to hunt they disappeared without warning one morning. (Free Verse) 8/16/2018
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Suffusion of Profuse Elation

Ah...herewith ma usual
     dose of pablum from this meal
lee mouthed muttering 
     doggerel wordsmith,
     who now writes...
     so here's the deal,
which reiterates a former zeal
namely, the pleasant feel
ling within this humble congenial

chap - thanking quasi fans heel
ling muss card (scarred) psyche
     poetically donning kneel
ling com pose sure (Colin
     Kapernick phonetic style, him
     an implacably steel)
lee strong willed
     up standing heal

dug into grid
     iron, albeit graciously
     poised ex NFL seal
sincere kick starter, -
     who nar squelched Nike ethereal
swooshing sensation (trumping
     formalities - "FAKE" dis claim er:
     "an anti-white rant") unreal

unsolicited accolades,
     he garners plaudits,
     perhaps stern prow esse
     harbored within angular
     chiseled features duet to har
     monic converging multiracial allele
more so than this undeserved
     reasonable rhyming scrivener,

     who expresses gratitude, sans
     mine quirky poetics do appeal
(Ozzy kin see), viz
     crazy train of thoughts
     loudly clattering within
     thine fracked corporeal weal.
Every last drop of fair
blood, sweat, and duct tear

via this hurt locker hair
brain scheme - exhaust ting air
supply, none the
     less doth cheer
fully, and willingly
     oblige mine moody
     blue (oyster cult) 
     route expressway gear

ring cog knish shun en dear
ring non vain err
row'n nee us heart
     felt ego boosting flair
courtesy (additionally
     asper this mare
reed snoop doggy dawg) veer,
really tantamount in

     tandem, sans 'ere
glad a$$ knight,
     and the pups
(chess, non queer,
yule less lee) though rare
lee emerges, while
     holed up in Grendel's lair,
viz bone a fide attempt,

     aye didst aim, square
lee, via ma stiff
     pointer sisters wear
illy to stitch metered
     faux paw prayer
reign hounds sing golden ear
ring three dogged
(arf fathers art in heaven...)

     mutter ring loud and clear
pro noun sub
     bull dog gone
     heart worm ming aire
wharf (fore art thou
     bow wow wing) sere
bus ling three
     dog night, and tare

re: not e'en if yer
adrip as a bit chin heat
let us whip pet smart
     and bark where,
umlaut no longer able
     e'en with mad dame butterfly,
     (a poor cage'n
     pooch sheen nee dear)
on par as
     excalibur with difficulty
     loosed fur over, thus conclude
     this tall tail excelsior.
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I Just Have To Let It Be Said


 Never ending steps,
        leading down this cliff side.
                          Weather worn and beaten,
                                             by winds and rising tides.
                                                        Twisting and turning,
                                                                on down to the beach I go.                                                                                                                    
                                           Grabbing tufts of marram grass, 
                                   to steady myself to below.
                          Black legged Kittiwakes and Gannets alike,
               nesting in the cliffs crannies, such a rare sight.
                         Yonder on the horizon a fishing boat does bob,
                                             setting off home; after a hard days job.
                                    Followed by Gulls awaiting on their tip bits, 
                           in its endeavour a Gull never quits.
              Like a cursed cloud following the boat home, 
     in the aftermath of the boat's engine foam. 
                   I see young seal pups calling for their Mothers,
                                  in their soft silky fur of creamy white colours.
                                                        The sky with its lovely palest blues, 
                                 clouds with their streaks of sun yellow hues.
                      A light breeze that only pleases,
                                  with your hair, it pleasantly teases.
                                                                  the sandy beach,
                                                            as reached.
                                                      I arrive,
                                                            so alive.
 Boots off, the sand between my toes; this is my time, where anything goes.

Now with my bare feet in the water; I feel the soft gentle ebb
I know I’ll get a good night’s sleep when I get home to bed
Scents, sounds, and visions, as now all inside my head
So happy, as to where my walk has had me lead
Time spent reminiscing of a life passed
so many memories amassed
All let go with the wind
A new life to begin
Now; it's off back up those cliff steps, I now so tiredly have to tread. sometimes; there is a gift in solitude, I just have to let it be said . . . Indiana Shaw . . . "I think, I will dedicate this one to, Darlene" . . . : ) Image by Free photos - Pixabay
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Please Help Yarn Hexed Door Neighbor

Please help yarn hexed door neighbor...

Yours truly pinned down by invisible 
vestiges of coronavirus and
getting attacked from angry plague 
of buttons, plus huge spools of yarn
grossly mistook me for human sock 
to seal and line with something foreign
sewing lips impossible mission 
even to force out 
(even ventriloquist like) argh gosh darn
smarting with horse sense
Equus caballus hilariously snorting 
cuz door left ajar 
allowing, enabling, and 
providing exit from out the barn.
H. Ty Warner's 
ingenious imaginative creations
(a craze that swept America circa
second half of ninety nineties -
and furious at their worthlessness today)
hungry carnivorous, ferocious, 
insidious, ludicrous, opprobrious... 
anything but innocent looking playthings, 
where sharp hairs 

bristle, kindle, and ruffle 
and upper and lower sharp teeth engage
abandoned beanie baby brood 
massive collections spouse accrued,
when said toys all the rage
uttered courtesy buttoned down sage
at auction in two thousand twenty two
might look as small fortune 
worth a few thousand dollars
no matter adamantly refuse 
being sold to highest bidder. 

Beanie Babies from exclusive events, 
the Original Nine designs, 
first-generation releases, 
and even toys with tag errors 
can fetch a pretty penny 
in the collector's market.

Overrun livingsocial hotmail
by teddy bears and beanie babies
bright idea of zee missus aye air
without any last thread bare
bequeathing, dedicating, forwarding  
aforementioned merchandise 
to whomever subtly nods head so beware 
(yes if you barely
shake noggin) that automatically translates
as goodies non-negotiably sold to thee

signed, sealed and delivered 
courtesy wordsmith 
duck quacking Doctor Demento, 
who forewarns patrons to clear
out and vacate premises asap
lest malingerers experience testament 
becoming subjected to she/her
addressed as gaseous spouse 
id est "my little buttock blaster” dear
surviving kin who ranks  
holy smokes - for obvious reasons, 

and before she begat two 'ere
rip press ably lovely daughters), 
anyway thee wife I fear
to publicize, she contracted 
benign strain sans incurable glare
to this knit wit – if anyone kin hear
ring house cleaning malady, 
thus far no unpronounceable hair
who offers chance to jeer
wag middle finger quite visibly near

heck – even call 
guardian angel on wing and prayer
or rumplestiltskin with tiny 
ear splitting flatulence sounding rear
help rescue me, 
who will button his lips I swear
with duct tape and mouth sealed 
with ropy hemp 
painstakingly made courtesy 
“I hate boys” under wear
now quick travel back 
in time from this year.

Come breathe with Justin, 
he sports nuff timber alive 
analogous rock of Gibraltar to belay 
lake nsync with Beastie Boys 
viz Bay City Rollers Culture 
Clubbing babes upon spring day
engrossed in this, that, 
or some other sweeping floor foray
(linkedin to Velveteen Rabbit) 
shedding gun metal gray
filled stack of hay

winter coat when 
warmer temperatures arrive, 
where humongous fur clumps lay
comprising sudden empty raft 
of shelf space minus a may
which event no picnic in may
nor pleasant as per needled 
zing globules, oh...
lemme get on track,
whence frenzied fever 
"cleaning bug" nee
major virus afflicting wife 

necessitates impossible task
strapping former bachelorette 
feisty Norwegian farm gal
straight laced as a yellowjacket 
livingsocial within droning hive, 
be game to play
24/7 challenged, 
I unsuspectingly quickly sink oye
which nearest prey
happened to be yours truly, 
destined to get submerged 

as black lagoon creatures’ pray
trending and feigning solution 
to null solution e quay
I hired devious skullduggery
Smokey and Bandits), 
an imp posse sub bill
outlaw gang), who lived lichen 
Aristo cur Rat along the quay
boot tiring and cruel task 
of her life Yukon say
shun didst tax patience for today

doth not wish 
to witness condemned self 
to uber fifth dimension
housing after lives like tiny Tim 
plays ukulele, where eye espy 
which unpredictable timeframe remaining 
lifetime sans wife oy vey
would frank lee zap 
every last oomph of mine
if able to remain with spouse 
meanwhile she obliviously

proverbially plucks persistently 
sprouting stranded follicles
tiller broad forehead resembles 
a minuscule tarmac way
Kantian fractal facial expressions 
where disembodied spirits
sup on diet of worms and whey
whose effervescent essence 
invisible as an x-ray
sewing seeds of life 
and white lily repeated onslaught 
with buttons and yarn ah feign YAY.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things