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You searched All Keyword(s): chattier in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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I’ve never felt this way before
Never been treated in such a manner
Something so new to me, it’s unnerving
Fear inches everywhere in my body
What if we all thought wrong?
What if the perfect daydream I thought
I was in, Was not
my reality?

I’ve never thought I could come near
To such a fate like this.
Being loved
And being treated like I actually exist.

I want to drown in this feeling,
Of pure bliss,
Perfect happiness.
I’m scared to feel it until
I reach the bottom,
My feet scratching the surface of confrontation
And what I dread.

How do we go from here?
How do I come back up?
What if I float back up to a reality
Where everything was in my head?
I don’t want to go back.

What if I float to a reality
Where you and I are together.
Until we aren’t?

Until the water flushed away
The covers I put over myself,

Would you still like me then?
Boringness and annoyingness and flaws and all?
Or would your eyes drift elsewhere,
To someone smarter, prettier, chattier?

I don’t know what reality has
In hold for me.
But I just want to know,
Would you still like me,
Flaws and all?
Give me a hint of reality.

Book: Shattered Sighs