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Details | Light Verse |

On Behalf of Dogs

Happy National Dog Day, PS!

Beagle, boxer, poodle, pug,
Airedale, cocker spaniel, terrier,
Shiatsu, pom, or something furrier,
Pedigreed or cur-ish mug,
Dogs make our lives ever so much merrier.
We pick up after, poof, and pamper them,
But, never like our kids,
Do we with the Ten Commandments try to hamper them.
Consider how they often make us break with number Seven,
And other blasphemies they might incur if there were Eleven.
But for all their sins they make amends
With apologetic eyes, and ingratiating grins.
We try holding out, but in the end,
A sloppy kiss, first us then them,
A wag, a hug, and we're best friends again.

Details | Limerick |

Shaggy Dog Limericks

The Spaniel

A Spaniel that uses its head 
Can tell when its owner’s unfed 
So instead of a duck
That is down on its luck 
Will deliver a pizza instead
The Affenpinscher (Affen)

Not sniffle nor snuffle nor wheeze 
Not chest in distress if you please 
None we have found
Quite capture the sound
Of its name (which is more like a sneeze)
The Afghan Hound

The Afghan’s a dog groomer’s joy 
The definitive Lord Fauntleroy 
But with all that coiffure
One is never quite sure 
If the “she” is a girl or a boy
The Airedale Terrier

Airedale, king of the terriers 
Domain without borders or barriers 
Stubborn and proud
On alert, never cowed
Justly known for their cute little derriers
The Akita

Hachiko the name that he bore 
An Akita of Japanese lore
In sunshine and rain 
He would wait for a train
And a man who died seasons before

The Alaskan Malamute

He traveled with Byrd to the Pole 
Although Fairbanks was actually their goal 
On a very dark night
They turned left and not right 
Now their feat is for all to extol
The Basenji

A Basenji may giggle or snark 
Chat with pigeons it meets in the park
From the moment it wakes 
Oh, the noises it makes!
Just don’t ever expect it to bark
The Basset Hound

Is it sorrow in canine disguise?  
Is it pity empathic and wise?
Or is it not either 
Nor sympathy neither
But hunger we see in its eyes?

The Beagle

A Beagle is loyal but...dumb 
An endearing, affectionate chum 
Tireless and lean
A hunting machine
Just don’t ask him to chase and chew gum

The Belgian Malinois (Mal)

When the SEALS did their raid on bin Laden 
And caught him just when he was noddin’
‘Twas a Mal wearing goggles
With custom-made toggles 
Who helped put an end to fatwa-den

Book: Shattered Sighs