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You searched All Keyword(s): abusable in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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The Higher Road and the Beneficial Results

turning to you
yielding in hesitation
watching you in private
wishing things were different
a big ole jug of water 
a stockpile of those small, extra thick towels
the dryer is now broken like my spirit's hymen

turning to you
yielding in hesitation
watching you in private
wishing things were different
a certain sinful website in front of my eyes
a stockpile of those ultra absorbent washcloths
there is no more hot water left to be used

turning to you
yielding in hesitation
watching you in private
wishing things were different
respectful enough to not take it there
smart enough to know YOU and know better
i think i will stick with being your friend
therefore, i avoid paying unnecessary prices and prevent unwise abusable triggers

Book: Reflection on the Important Things