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Details | Haiku |

Growth Spurt in Dirt Did Hurt

when we looked way out far
at what woule be fruit bar
someone broke (abjudicated) the jar
like a rising star 

when having growth spurt
while I did play in the dirt
would be sure to hurt

after location
there would be the creation
of a train station
(of life with each station)

wanted fresh supply
after we will have dropped by
cookies will want to try
(surely so do I)
(this cannot deny)
(sense of humor rye and dry)
(even after I do die)

when of sea took whiff
we went sailing on a skiff
with composed pontiff

when they would descend
what they really did intend
was all their money spend

we would apprehend
messages which God would send
save soul does intend

from further inspection
will have an insurrection
from each direction
(causing an infection)
(need wind correction)
(created rejection)

what we will predict
must have been a derelict
contained in an edict

as predictable
did become despicable
like news by cable

what we prefer please
flying on trapeze through trees
forget to bring disease

Prefer and plan to say that this can 
constitute my thorough, terrific ten 
Horn Haiku poems I presume and
assume with much room.

Book: Shattered Sighs