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Sexy Romantic Poems

These Sexy Romantic poems are examples of Romantic poems about Sexy. These are the best examples of Romantic Sexy poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Poi-Emma
To my sweetest Emma. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore my feelings 
       for you.
I enjoy the polite...

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Categories: heartbreak, longing, romantic, sad

1ST On PS: Succubi Sultry
sweat dripping down my spine
slide of fingers through hair,
gentle as a summer breeze,
yet bold as a winter's storm.
hidden velvet wrapped bridge,
slowly beckons me deeper,
dark recesses...

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Categories: romantic, beautiful, beauty, cute, cute

Premium Member His Features
His fingers are so long and delicate, almost effeminate.
His eyes are so brown, almost a bronze garnet when sunlit.
His face is so perfect, I want...

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Categories: boyfriend, lust, passion, romantic,

To the Moon and Beyond
A feeling likened to shadowed depths,
Encircled by walls of icy whispers.
An emptiness, echoing in the chest—
In time, it transformed,
A beacon brightening a soul adrift.

Gentle fingertips...

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Categories: romantic, emotions, feelings, love, metaphor,

Premium Member Seductress
He always calls me a seductress, temptress, succubus.
Always giving into my most alluring, tempting kiss.
Indeed he is always mine as I am the one who...

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Categories: romantic, kiss, lust, passion, romance,

A Midnight Story
All his temper within! 
In between her legs! 
All his thirst very touching
Along her ****.

All his love pouring
In kisses
Wetting her lips on and on.
All his...

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Categories: body, romantic love, sexy,

Premium Member At An Ease
Adore him so much.
Ecstatic by his soft touch.
Asked, "Wanna make love?"
Gleefully I said, "yes, please!"
Suddenly felt at an ease....

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Categories: romantic, desire, happiness, lust, passion,

Premium Member Undying Love
I love his body.
He always says he loves mine.
I love his spirit.
He always reciprocates.
He and I share divine love....

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Categories: desire, lust, passion, romantic,

Premium Member Egyptian Cotton
There are two lovers who find out they can be together.
They live together forever, and holding each other.
In Egyptian cotton and feathered bed, one doing...

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Categories: love, lust, romance, romantic,

Premium Member Erotic
I love feeling you within me, going even faster.
I love having you within me, going even deeper.
I love vocalizing about you in pleasure, going louder....

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Categories: love, passion, romantic, romantic

Premium Member Deeply, Dearly, Desperately
I am wanting so much to kiss your thin lips so deeply.
I find myself here simply missing you oh so dearly.
I'm longing for your body...

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Categories: romantic, kiss, love, missing you,

Premium Member new moon
People came and went all night, welcomed by the warm evening, the 12-piece jazz band, rich restaurant aromas and the boundless night sky. I hear...

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Categories: romantic, boyfriend, dance, humor, night,

Premium Member Limerick 'bout a Hick, Warning - Lascivious
   Come quick. I’ve a limerick ‘bout a hick
   Christened Billy Bop Be-bop; now his dick 

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Categories: romantic, sexy, sick,

There is Nothing Romantic About the Way I Feel
Night and day I think about you.
You’ve tightly bound the wrists of my self control
And grabbed my fevered dreams by the throat.
I try to forget...

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Categories: romantic, desire, lust, sexy,

Premium Member Romantic Rhapsody in Swishing Silk

Dark, sexy, ebony eyes that light up, sparkle and twinkle.
Tender lips, as tempting as red, sensuous, burgundy wine.

On your handsome face, not even one, creeping,...

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Categories: romantic, dance, dedication, imagery, romance,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things