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Record Poems - Poems about Record

Record Poems - Examples of all types of poems about record to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for record.
Scratched Record
Deep It's almost a hollow pain when my thoughts meet I feel it every time I think about everything Like the world is sitting on my back The universe just keeps stacking new problems and adding new...Read the rest...
Categories: record, anxiety, growth,
Form: Rhyme
Record Collections
In a closet, stuffed in bags, My records gather dust. The player’s gone and speakers, too, But keeping them’s a must. My friend is giving hers away, But on the other side, My sister got my cousin’s batch, Passed to her when...Read the rest...
Categories: record, music, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Setting the Record Straight
Every single Arab death in Gaza is attributable to HAMAS Aided and abetted by Iran ...Read the rest...
Categories: record, abuse, jewish, murder, truth,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member For the record
My heart beats like a hammer in my chest No respite, no rest, no rest, no rest Metaphorical corners that I am trapped in No action/reaction now could result in a win Withdraw out of the game as energy...Read the rest...
Categories: record, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member record broken
Not ready to be thrown away, like those memories made it's not broken, long as it's loved. Can't you feel them? lands and grooves in circle's run.. feels I've known you since the day you were born, though the...Read the rest...
Categories: record, missing, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member With just a stone
Goliath was a big threat to Israel A giant with intimidating records Of military prowess which turned Israelite soldiers To a bunch of faithless cowards And to an army of lily livered derelicts As they capitulated in fear...Read the rest...
Categories: record, anxiety, christian, courage, depression,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In the Groove
Am I in the groove or on the right track? My record player goes clickety-clack, The lyrics I hear are all in pig-Latin, Backed by the sounds of downtown Manhattan....Read the rest...
Categories: record, crazy, humor, music,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member How Not to Get Your Name in the Record Books
I’d never set a record in my entire life ‘til I had this serious talk with my wife Listened to her for a good...Read the rest...
Categories: record, encouraging, husband, spoken word,
Form: Couplet
Am I allowed to touch the blue of the magazine? When stars otherwise kiss the somberness of the night? Am I allowed to collect clouds in their ephemeral charm And restore them their delectable delight to shed pain? Can...Read the rest...
Categories: record, poems,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Life is a diary
Life is a diary waiting to be written Observe what is obvious what is hidden what is experienced what is felt A record of life by day by week by year by any moment Twelve diary disciples did just that Procession 1492 Columbus - America first Progression 1660...Read the rest...
Categories: record, journey, life, visionary, voice,
Form: List
Premium Member Jimmy is Intent On Beating His Own Record
Jimmy was intent on beating his own record. Forty-six hours of straight video game playing. He heard some crashing outside. Thought it was a garbage truck. Never looked out. It would quit eventually. The bashing and crashing sounded closer now. More...Read the rest...
Categories: record, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Broken Record Collection
everlasting tune over and never over~ insult injury...Read the rest...
Categories: record, abuse, memory, words,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Funny Slang a Historical Record May 18 !948
Jury Duty, such a response ability it's not this, that is hard for me, as much as my encounter with folks to or from their court parking lot... this entire experience is hilarious, both before or after court;...Read the rest...
Categories: record, adventure, funny, spoken word,
Form: Free verse
Drop the Needle On the Record Baby Head and Heels Deep In Love
Drop the Needle on the Record And that sweet soul music blast " Baby " Sorry " Grandad " A relic now from a previous age And when you do and it begins Listen very carefully to whence it starts To that beautiful...Read the rest...
Categories: record, love, music,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member 8400 Miles Nonstop
The bar-tailed godwit caught birddom by surprise When word got out just how far this bird flies A juvenile Limosa lapponica, satellite tag 2-3-4-6-8-4 flew nonstop from Alaska to the Tasmanian shore! 13,560 kilometers nonstop, eleven days and nights A new world record for marathon bird...Read the rest...
Categories: record, bird, flying, world,
Form: Light Verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry