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From the Mind of Madness

I sit out here nothing to do. Waiting for school to start.
All around me ,solitude.  The great nothing.. I watch the birds. Seems I have a crazy imagination.
These birds have their own society.  And they work together most always they pull together in times of stress. 
If a big predator bird  flies over two little birds will attack.  Doesn't  matter they are different kinds of birds. They always have a wingman.. they sit, spread out over the place ,guardian of the no fly zone over all the pond area. Each time these two different birds chase of a big bird thess two birds do this little victory dance around each other. Kinda cool two watch. Same dance everytime no matter the two birds. I think it's their birdie  version of the high five. . 
Watch two little birds taking on two bigger birds. Giving them hell . All of a sudden one of the little birds break off and leaves the one fighting the two.  I jump up  yelling" no no don't ever leave your wingman. "
My eyes following it .( I get so bored lol)
I noticed it had saw another big bird swooping the pond and went to engage it, chasing it away from the pond
 Had to appreciate them little guys. Each doing their part protecting each other
 No matter the species or how different they are from each other they got each other's back.  That's how a community should be ran
 . Or maybe I just spend to much time alone lol . Don't watch TV. But I have plenty to watch
 No poem this time. Just observation were humans could learn from the critters of this earth. Just my thoughts.

Copyright © William P. Harris


Book: Reflection on the Important Things