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Walking down the street, 
With both eyes closed,
I remain on this path, 
Completely unopposed,
That is the nature of grandiosity,
I may not be alone,
But nobody can touch me, 

Trudging down this road, 
It is obvious to me,
That each step takes my love,
Further away from thee,
That with every frustration,
Every word I swallowed down,
Another deep line,
Appeared in my frown,

You were never enough,
Or you were far too much for me, 
Every time you speak,
My body will freeze,
Because when I tally the score,
Even you can see,
That the responsibility,
Doesn’t belong to me, 

What’s wrong with my tally?
All my points are true,
Yet at the end of the day,
I don’t know you,

Or is that simply the lie,
I tell to myself,
To avoid the reality,
To keep you on the shelf,

Of all my trophies,
You were the most tarnished,
So I couldn’t appreciate,
The things you varnished,

And each and every time,
I tried to polish you,
The hurt was necessary,
It was the cost that was due,

I keep all my coins,
Close to my chest, 
I don’t owe a cent,
I am inadvertently blessed,

My instincts all exist,
In the appropriate places,
Despite what is written,
On all of their faces,

I know I must start,
A whole new journey,
To find fulfillment,
To finally be worthy,

Yet I understand life, 
Better than most,
Which is why in the end,
This must be your fault. 

Copyright © Laura Davies


Book: Reflection on the Important Things