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The Sweat of Thy Face

                           The Sweat of Thy Face

When we were young, we were given a charge by the Almighty…
 “ Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.”
                       ( This, we seemed able to do. 
It was the second charge we've had trouble with…)
“...In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground…”

     History, according to the Bible,  tells us that, one reason Adam was formed was because God wanted someone to till the ground…to work the soil, planting seeds and reaping the fruits of their labor.
      Since it goes on to say we will do this with the sweat of our face,  we can deduce that this will be hard work. Perhaps mankind misunderstood the words,  “of THY face”, reading it as, “the sweat of THEIR face”?
Bond servants, 
Free labor…
Sacrificing humanity and compassion for a footstool.
Freedom! Finally, unpaid and forced labor is rejected and despised…outlawed.

However, the ones in power were still the wealthy. 
Mankind, always searching for the loophole to save their soft, lilly white hands from respectable callouses. 

We began to forget how to work, how to grow food, preserve it, and how to be self reliant.

We sacrificed quality for quantity, flavor for convenience, health for sloth.
We've been blessed with intelligence, ingenuity, common sense…what do we accomplish with these blessings? Discovering more and more ways to avoid a sweaty face and those calloused hands. 
The industrial revolution,
The Sciences, Technology,
Our superpower,  Pollution. 
     Now, on the cusp of inventing the ultimate slave, we could be creating a world where human beings are merely dumb animals relying on our own creation to do all the hard stuff…like thinking. 

Once again we create the tower of Babel. 
Not to reach heaven, no...
a tower that controls our very own Adam...
 Our highly polished, Eve.

When one tries to control Artificial Intelligence , how will we know who holds the leash and who wears the collar?

Copyright © Crystol Woods


Book: Shattered Sighs