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Forgotten Field of Forever

Unlike the Beatles’ Strawberry Fields Forever
that is not forgotten and been listened to
since it was recorded, the field of forever
seems to be just standing there, forgotten.

The field of forever that has the seeds of humility,
like virtue, faith, determination, kindness, forgiveness,
gratitude, understanding is covered with weeds of
pride, selfishness, unbelief, greed, self-absorption.

Seeds of humility that go a long way, the little things
giving comfort, joy, appreciation and warm the heart.
Those precious moments that last in your memories
giving you motivation to do more good and reach out. 

Small gestures that mean so much, like saying hello,
thank you, appreciate it, you are welcome, I am sorry,
I understand, you’re so kind, good job, I am proud of you.
Small gestures that seem to be forgotten in today’s world.

In this computerized wide world, you can see the displays
of pride, selfishness, self-absorption in posting themselves
for the media to see and the greed because of materialism.
So many web fraud causing harm, pain to innocent people.

How can we bring back the forgotten field of forever? 

Copyright © Marilene Evans


Book: Reflection on the Important Things