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Chapter 142 -- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Holly's Birthday

Date:   September   2050

Warm end of summer night. Slight
Breeze a tease manageable season.
Pleasing and within reason. 
Molly  Dolly and Holly tended to
Their 4 months old infants with
 mother Daughtry.
While Damian, was preparing the
Table waiting for dinner with 
Barry Godfrey Shadir And Matthias, and
The food was simmering on the
Benawi was in the library with Abbas
Amari Ashton and the rest of the
 Hakim Gang including Isiah, solving
Math problems with AI tutorials.  Shadir 
Peeked in and Yelled, "Hey Hakim
Come get the grub guys!"  Amari
Tapped Ashton. Adian snatched
The control from Elijah as Shadir 
Made his way back to the dining room.
Elliott Elijah Abbas Ashton Addison 
And Amari with Isa rambunctiously 
Crowded into the dining room.
Then disruptively assumed their
Seats. The Molly Dolly and Holly 
Emerged from the nursery trading
Witty conversation after they fed
The 4 months old children including 
Dasheri who was 2 months old.
Holly began serving. As the kids
Greeted their mothers. Addison 
Spoke to Molly, "Ma, is today your
Birthday? Godfrey said, "Why you wanna
Know and that's not your mother
Man."  Damian correct him, "Hey 
Youngster  all three of Them are
All of your mothers you get me,
I don't Wanna hear to nonsense
From Amy of you again you check?!"
The kids groaned, "Yeah Dad." 
Tell mama Holly happy birthday!"
"Shadir and Matthias spoke up first.
"Happy birthday Ma! And me and
Matthias birthday is three days
From now."  Dolly asked, "What are you all
Getting mama Holly for a present?"
Abbas comically volunteered,
"What ever she wants I'm a cozillionaire!"
They all laughed out Loud then said
"Hey Abbas my youngster you are
A jokester huh?" Abbas said, "I donknow
Dad, that depends is that the same
As a comedian and how much do they
Make any how? A trillion?" Barry
Chimed in, "Man you know we are
Already TRILLIONAIRES!  Ain't we
Dad? Damian said, "naw Barry but
We might be on our way."  Then
Damian stood and announced, 
Family ladies, mothers of my Offspring 
What do say we escape for a some
Hours and go out for dinner to that
New indoor restaurant park about 20 miles
From here?" Mama Daughtry can
Babysit with help from our twins. 
Sounds like a date Dolly Holannya 
Sound good to you Molly? Just us?
New indoor dining? A park right?"
Holly was curious. "I'm game if everybody 
Else is."  Molly asked, "you sure 
6 children aren't to much for ma?"
Damian deduced, "naw, we won't 
Be away for more than 4 hours."
Plus. Joshua's here somewhere.
Call him on the com!" Damian ordered
Dolly went to the Intercom in the 
Kitchen. "Joshua, my son. We need
You down here." They waited for
His answer. Holly asked, "You don't 
Need reservations for this place?"
Damian replied, "No you just walk right
In and wait for service." Molly added
"It might be different in the future,
Especially if it becomes more 
Popular. I saw a news report about
It  a couple of weeks ago."

Copyright © Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther


Book: Shattered Sighs