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The Magic of Music

The Magic of Music

   Bring to mind your favorite song. How does it make you feel? Where do those feelings originate in your physical body?
     Think about the lyrics, the poetry, that speaks to you in some common, ancient, language…and what these words mean to you, what they say to you. 
      Music is a language that can speak to every soul.

    It is the only true magic that mankind can claim.  
Every good and perfect gift comes from above. So, our heavenly Father and creator gives us this ability to create magical spells through instruments, poetic lyrics, and a variety of delicious, beautiful voices. 
  Music floats on wisps of air, shaped to resemble hands.

    Smoky hands, floating and weaving so gracefully through the air…like a gypsy's sultry dance. Like filmy, translucent silk scarves, this magic reaches down through dimensions, through time, through the physical flesh to the soul. Our truest "self", the soul, seems to reside somewhere in the torso…the heart, the bowels, the stomach, and sometimes in the mind.  Music catches hold of that elusive soul we all possess but have never seen, and clenches it tightly.  

              Music wraps the soul in a warm embrace. 

    Songs hug and pet the soul with loving strokes. A melody can make love to the soul, coaxing it to the heights of pleasure and joy or, comforting, gives the soul a safe place to feel sorrow and pain, guilt and shame,  anger and despair. And doing so, releases us from the captivity of these emotions... healing us. 

                Music manipulates the minds of men. 

     I understand why, throughout history, religious and political zealots have tried to ban and censor music for the masses. The magic of music can change hearts and open minds. It can reveal truth and shine a light into the darkest caves of prejudice and judgment. The right song can bind souls together in a righteous cause or open a soul to love. 

   Music can inspire us to unite in one purpose, one mind.  

     Magical, miraculous, and yes, it can be manipulative if used to control rather than to free. Bringing the essence of comradery, a sense of belonging to someone or something higher than ourselves. 
     Poetry is at the very heart of music,  guiding the purpose and emotions like a road map. 
     It is one soul speaking to another, in that common language, saying,

                                 “ You are not alone!"

Copyright © Crystol Woods


Book: Reflection on the Important Things