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My Friend Mary

Remembering our friendship 
how we'd talk for hours about
any topic family love kids life
how it hurt not to hear from 
one another sending cards 
pictures letters remember that 
I remember so well that achy 
lonely feeling watching snow flakes 
fall or raindrops hit the windows 

wondering if you were seeing the 
same pebbles high on top of the 
sky scrapers silly me I learned 
to just have my coffee alone everyday 
sitting with that same smiley face cup
until it broke I replaced it with
a beach chair yes with that pink 
flamingo and all and of course 
My big beach hat I remembered
wearing it early morning hours

I arrived funny there you were
waiting for me remember that 
embrace I can still taste the salt
water tear drops on your cheek 
that smell of the gulf on first street 
watching the sun rise over the bridge 
thinking everything is going to be okay 
now from a simple touch why was that
touch so fallible it took years to have again
we were wishing waiting talking everyday 
can you imagine that way before facetime 

text messages we certainly couldn't 
send a page to one another an yet we
kelp a constant line of communication 
operator can you please connect this call
sharing each other's hopes dreams
listening to each other's bad days 
good days finding solutions to make 
each and every day okay remember that 
against all odds my favorite song
and nothing can come between us 

funny right well I have to admit I've 
been so desperately trying not to feel 
that friendship I must believe it was 
only for the ages that famous saying
for our time maybe our times just 
wasn't ours at all it was his hers theirs 
we were an endless conversation for
everyone around us waiting watching
the crucial destruction of trust giving
caring so deeply for one another I never

fathomed just how it felt to share such 
a love I didn't know it was love because 
I needed a friend so did you we couldn't 
even use love then not in those days not 
the way love should be used the love 
catchers on thee other hand snarled 
gnarled pulling our hands apart like two 
little children playing in a field of dreams 
like we weren't allowed this made me lonesome 
very very lonesome trying to figure out why 

you couldn't show yourself why you just couldn't 
come out i know now we weren't supposed to 
become friends we weren't supposed to fall in 
love this must have sent the fbi into a freinzy 
it had to be destroyed killed i understand now 
why you began sending strangers inside my 
home to read my personal journal I wondered 
why you didn't just knock this eerie eerie truth it 
frightened me to death I can't believe I never 
stopped writing you letters I never sent decades 

of poetry they became a grand novel a complete 
scrapbook of our lives together apart while you 
became invisble i overstand why you could never 
ever hug me hold my hand wink at me ever again 
you were never my friend i was only this tool i
certainly wasn't important enough to save just a tool 
I can't imagine I was even seen as human at this point
a tool keeping that line of communication open 
to get you out of prison early part of a payoff 
a deal that required me to where wires around

my unborn babies buying weapons and drugs 
the fbi told me how dangerous you were to so 
many people I couldn't see that then I guess I 
was a cleshe that lonely battered woman in use
there were times I believed the fbi were my best
friends it didn't always seems like a job we went 
to eat as a family laughed the supervisor even sang 
my girl to my kids to distract them in case I was killed in 
a hostage situation today god only knows how many 
violent offenders expectations to be released early 

under my wearing wires pregnant for the FBI 
i wonder do they know me do they hate me are 
they coming to kill me again I never know who 
they are i just listen for gunfire maybe a blessing
maybe a curse sense my injury I can read our letters 
and embrace yet a beautiful time when I needed 
this imaginary friendship of ours to manage grief 
pain and suffering and when it began fading I 
began writing holding nothing back it was easy 
coming to the realization that it wasn't real

the greatest gift that came from it all my real 
true friendship with your mother Mary and I 
we spent hours talking about everything family 
life love children flowers cards and friendship
I miss my friend Mary mostly during holy week 
we never missed sending out the cards not once 
until she got too sick she just loved sending out
Birthday Christmas and most of all Easter cards.

Copyright © Yolanda Nicholsen


Book: Shattered Sighs