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Read Trojan War Poems Online


Odyssey of Hope

Homer in his prime knew what was divine he sets out to woo the earth but his ambition was crumbed in the dirt, the Trojan War is an epic of past, love, power, hate, marriage, and crime; the Greeks and the city of Troy and the ten years war that took many lives and causes numerous painful sacrifices. 

The marriage of Peleus’ and Thetis’ brought the whole nation together Zeus in his fantasy was merry and happy but the goddess of strife was denied entry to the marriage feast and so she made a dangerous decree, she throw her gift among the guests; and everyone scramble to find the second best, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera began to fight for it but the spoon quickly ran away with the dish. 

Zeus in all his pride could not decide who to get the goddess of strife gift  and Paris, the prince of Troy, was asked to make the decision but Paris was not the smartest fellow and he left everything in a big hollow and so Hera the queen bribed him for a thin limb.   

Hera promised him political power and a sordid throne for tomorrow; but Athena in a subtle tone promise, wisdom in mind and battle in pride but that could persuade Paris. Aphrodite knew his heart from the start and promised him the beautiful Helen of Sparta. But he quickly chose Aphrodite and wrap up the selection plight, woman was his weakness and he went all the way for her.  

Charming Helen was married to Menelaus, the mean king of Sparta so, Paris journeyed to Sparta and kidnapped Helen from her home and brought her back to Troy with him and Helen could not resist his touch and she fell in love with Paris when she felt his heart and from there on the Trojan War began. It started with a gift and ended with a gift. 

The Greeks surround the city of troy and hid in the Trojan horse. A few of them went back to sea and pretend as if they were gone but Paris and his men hang out on the lawn, and what they thought was a precious gift was an ambush set outside lawn. No sword was drawn, no blood was spilt but the Greeks defeated troy with a massive fire ball when they took the Trojan horse inside, “burn! Troy burn” the Greeks shouted. 

And so Homer, the greatest storyteller of all gave an account of how the mighty Trojan fall on his way back from the Trojan War in the epic Iliad. You are a long way from home. 


Copyright © Christine Phillips


Book: Shattered Sighs