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Chapter 149-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Next Hawaiian Day

Date: March  2051

The next Hawaiian rendezvous:
Warm Hawaiian breeze. Wooo! This
Is LIFE!!! Holly scream for Dolly and 
Molly to hear. Molly said, "We should 
Explore as long as we're here. This place
Is full of curiosities."  Holly and Dolly 
Agreed. Molly and Dolly reminded
"Let's be sure we have our wallets
Our digital  paraphernalia all that."
They secured all necessary creditials.
Holly said, "We should have a map,
But maybe we should have a tour?"
"You never know. What could it hurt?"
Holly asked for 3 maps at the reception 
Reservation area. They wandered 
Outdoors afterwards. "I love that
Waterfall did you see that?" Molly 
"Quizzed so what should we do first?"
Dolly answered "iee am ready to
Just look around, you know. Explore 
Let's hike." Molly said, "No firs...
Holly interrupted, "I don't have hiking
Feet okay alright so no hike." Dolly
Offered "see, let me help you decide 
What you need is... now Holly interrupted 
Her, "Alright! Okay, I I'll buy sneaker 
Or something."  Meanwhile,  CJ Domonic 
His brother Lenji and
Damian Sidney Julius Adonis was
All in an office ten miles from the 
Hotel anticipating a family conference 
With developers. After all were present
And settled, skype was operated. Damian 
Noticed some conference attendees
We're women. Damian laughed and
Whispered to Julius, "Women here! 
Almost a majority 2! haha!" Uncle
Preston was present by Skype with
Uncle Tito Uncle Tyler Savarho Cicero 
And the mysterious cousins! Damian 
Was surprised to see them as they
Were to see him. Cousin Malik acknowledged 
Him with a smile and a nod Damian 
Did the same. Beside Judge Malik Valus
Hakim there were the other two
Familiar Judges. Judge Ezekiel Amadeus 
Hakim and Judge Hezekiah Emanuel.
After he appeared on skype 
Damian asked his father, "Dad those
Six men seated with cousin Ezekiel and 
Malik also judges?" Carter Hakim
Replied, "I guess those are the six 
Others, yeah there are 9 in all." 
Judge Ezekiel answered Damian
"Yes, that's true and we will introduce 
All judges soon."  The tallest of them stood and
Spoke with A baritone voice much
Like Damian's. "Good afternoon Hakim
Family I am the eldest of the 9 judges
I am Judge Inakim Dedeshen Hakim
I am greatly mystified of you all today.
Now I would like you to meet our
Next  Judge. Another tall Judge stood
And Whispered to Judge inakim.
The new Judge approached the
Podium with a groveling sounding
Voice he spoke, "I am Noshi Afras
Hakim. I will introduce the remainder 
Of our Judges. First  Reyak Munrah
Next his brother  Denresh Lasar
And Teshirah Inahar and last we
Have Ifihar Meshar. Uncle Preston 
Was Preston for the conference with
Preston Junior,  Uncle Tito And Savarho.
Other family members were on skpe
Screens. Uncle Preston addressed 
The conference attendees prior
To their arrival. "Family I'll repeat for
All those who weren't here for the
Initial presentation. We will put forth
A superlative shift to obtain a certain 
Total expansion of land. Ah hell we 
Want to have ah.... We will set out to
Pursue ownership of east coast
Property. We have an idea of the 
Totality of properties 
Now. Let's say One hundred thousand 
Square feet Virginia Beach property.
We'd rather not have Beach front
For this prospect."  Carter Hakim 
Asked, "And we are now prepared 
To purchase?" His brother Preston 
Bolstered, "We have ALWAYS BEEN
PREPARED we have been ready since
Begun! Ah yesss we are!"  He assured,
"So good family we will conclude this
Meeting this instant and meet back
In the short while." Damian and the
Family surged into the crowd of Hakims
To meet as many relatives as possible.
Damian spun directly towards the
Judges. Afterwards back to the hotel.
DJ Damali  Amadeus Nyaf Rico and
Tino were off on an adventure and
Planning on surprising Damian with
Father Hakim and Mother Lucinda 
With many other relatives. They agreed 
To have everybody transported by
Their jets. Damali asserted, "We'll 
Need my Dad's help alright, we have
To make sure uncle D doesn't get knowledge 
Of this cloak and dagger operation.
Family."   Amadeus quizzed,  "yeah?
And you think uncle Julius and Uncle Jackson
Might be willing to help out with this
Scheme?"   "We have to involve them
Pronto." DJ mustered up. Damali 
Beamed, "Yeah! HUFF UP! Family!"
Then he scoffed, "Plans plans plans."
Amadeus said, "Whaa! You mean.
I think you saying The Damian dimension 
Dominant Master  da disaster plans!
Aha ha that sounds better to the 
Damian Amadeus ears soo mind
If we Damians take the helm?" 
Damali quipped, "Damn Ame you
Can't stop huh?"  Amadeus Said
Naaah, "This all Damian DOMINATION
Heeere! Wooo! Let's  Be it all the
Time! You don't mind?! Cuz! ooo
Feel the love the love!"  DJ interrupted 
"Alright Ame that's enough don't 
Kill anymore. Let's be About This
Brother he put his arms around both
Young Men. Damali felt dispirited 
Drowned out, frown up, destroyed.
While Amadeus felt the opposite 
And DJ chuckled under his breath.
He said, "Ooh it is a good day! Good
Good great day!"

Copyright © Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther


Book: Reflection on the Important Things