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If Ever I Had To Have a Country Victim of Pedophily Lxxxv-85

If ever I had to have a country victim of pedophily-LXXXV

(Note : Fresh disclosures from the Catholic Church on the subject
made public by protesting Mothers of infants victims of pedophily
at the hands of the Clergy and the attendant LAY-WORKERS of the
Church – « les laïques » - in France have now increased from 216,000 cases
since 1950 to 330,000, with the difference that these SHE-LION 
Mothers demand punitive action - « ex-communication » -against
the offenders, not just « compensation » which the Church is prepared
and willing to offer.
“The WEEK”: 5 most damning films about Catholic child abuse - 2015:
Long before the Pope was implicated in a global scandal, documentary filmmakers have been exposing clergy child abuse in smaller, horrifying ways”.
Witness also film set in Ireland where three grown-up victims shoot point-blank
a predator-priest who had bullied and tortured them in an orphanage
in broad daylight IRA-style in a pub. Wouldn’t you?)

If ever I had to have a country victim of pedophily : LXXXV-85

If ever I had to have a country victim of mass-produced self-delusion thrown
down right from the cradle and whacked on the tatami

No question as the Ministre d’État sans portfolio ni duty you must by now be familiar with the way I have dealt with pedophiles guilty besides for slimy clammy « atouchements » and adultery

Wouldn’t I leave it to the « She-Lions » who brought-forth, breast-fed, bred and brought-up through sleepless nights of sacrifice shielding their charges through countless set-backs, shenanigans and short-comings only to have them way-laid, bamboozeled and psychically stunted in « trusted » hands of « soul-saviours » at Sunday catechism classes, garden-sales bingo parties, tombolas, outings, summer camps, Borstal-type boarding houses for orphans, Bible-reading classes, private tuitions, sporting events : leap-frog, gunny-sack and wheel-barrow races – all at the price of on-rushing ageing flesh, anguish and agony   

I’d rather tumble down from the tip of the Eiffel Tower than accept ill-gotten gains from stocks and shares invested in armaments – O ! Blood-y Money !

Time to let the Rock of All Ages teetering on the precipice rather than see innocent children be abused, their inner selves’ hopes betrayed by the ignominious rôle of the so-called « minions » of the Almighty

Yeah, She-Lions, unleash your collective shearing care-may-the-Devil-be
fury at the collegiate of black silken caps, ermine capes, crisp satin scarlet-
purple gowns of golden brocade and penitent beads of hypocrisy 

And this, even if I never ever had no country where any child not born of a 
human-being can call « this is my own, my native land », the Land of the Just and the Free

© T. Wignesan – Paris, November 11, 2021

Copyright © T Wignesan


Book: Reflection on the Important Things