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It's Hard To Pick Just One


I have so many friends on soup,
it’s hard to pick just one
To narrow down to just a few,
it just cannot be done

Heidi always brings a smile
Brenda tempts my heart
Sandy posts poetic dreams
Connie’s whispered art

Gershon really makes me laugh
Maureen, she can write
Hello There and Andrea
make my mornings bright

John, who makes the soupers sing
Nina, she’s a hoot
Kim can pen most anything
Pixie’s words so cute

Sunlite you are number one
you’ve always been my friend
I’m sorry I omitted you
it won’t happen again

Anne-lise always makes me think
Ilene sure can rhyme
Brandy’s thoughts are beautiful
Eve makes poems shine

Limericks are Jan’s forte
Affection is Cay Cay
Alexis, Chantelle, Carolyn
take my breath away

A warrior who floats on wings
A very Silent One
Bobby May bring happiness
and Spock, no wait, his son

Disco, Beth and Jeanne are new
at least they are to me
Janice, Tania, Sandra Weiss
much talent in these three

Line and LuLoo and Dear Heart
well, what more can I say
So many poets I call friend
on any given day

There are a few from long ago
when I first found this site
I can’t forget to mention them,
it just would not be right

Charmaine, I miss her the most
Paloma just as much
White Wolf wrote some crazy stuff
Darren had the touch

Agnes, Leanna, Anne-Marie
all were friends of mine
Becca, Dale, Lisa, Sue
Poetry so fine

Christy, Daniel, Freddy, Lin
so many from the past
Forever doesn’t happen now
it seems some things don’t last

But back to what I’m trying to say,
before this poems’ done
So many here that I admire,
it’s hard to pick just one

So, thank you all for all you do,
the kindness that you show
I’m blessed by every one of you
and wanted you to know

Inspired by but not written for Bobby May’s Pick A friend on Soup poetry contest

Oh hell, I going to enter it anyway. I know it won't win because it doesn't follow the rules but rules are meant to be broken, right?

Copyright © Chris Green


Book: Shattered Sighs